名稱 職稱 辦公室 電話 電郵
杜鈺磊研究助理E12-3058+853 8822 9105yuleidu@um.edu.mo
PhD The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, China, 2014
BSc Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 2009
01/2023 – Present Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau
07/2021 – 12/2022 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, CUHK
09/2019 – 07/2021 Scientific Officer, Department of Surgery, CUHK
03/2019 – 09/2019 Scientific Officer, Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, CUHK
03/2014 – 03/2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Research Interests
  1. A systematical evaluation of intertumoral heterogeneity in primary HCC from different aspects, including genomic and epigenomic aberrations, transcriptome profiles and the cellular composition of tumor microenvironment.
  2. Exploring cancer epigenome landscape and interplay between epigenomic aberrations and genomic aberrations.
  3. Investigating the roles of genomic and epigenetic drivers in tumor initiation, drug resistance and local metastasis by crispr-cas9 screen system.
Representative Publications
  1. Wong, A.M., Ding, X., Wong, A.M., Xu, M., Zhang, L., Leung, H.H., Chan, A.W., Song, Q.X., Kwong, J., Chan, L.K., Man, M., He, M., Chen, J., Zhang, Z., You, W., Lau, C., Yu, A., Wei, Y., Yuan, Y., Lai, P.B., Zhao, J., Man, K., Yu, J., Kahn, M., Wong, N.. (2022). Molecular Distinctions of NAFLD-associated Liver Cancer accentuate β-catenin/TNFRSF19-mediated Immune Evasion. Journal of Hepatology 77,410–423. (Co-first)
  2. Ding, X., He, M., Chan, A.W., Song, W.X., Sze, S.C., Chen, H., Man, M.K.H., Man, K., Chan, S.L., Lai, P.B., Wang, X., Wong, N. (2019). Genomic and Epigenomic Features of Primary and Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinomas. Gastroenterology 157, 1630-1645.
  3. Lam, Y.K., Yu, J., Huang, H., Ding, X., Wong, A.M., Leung, H.H., Chan, A.W., Ng, K.K., Xu, M., Wang, X., Wong, N.(2022) .TP53 R249S mutation in hepatic organoids captures the predisposing cancer risk. Hepatology, DOI: 10.1002/hep.3280.
  4. Xu, M., Liu, Y., Ho, L.W., Wong, A.M., Ding, X., You, W., Lo, W.S., Ng, K.K., Wong, N. (2022) Overexpression of nucleotide metabolic enzyme DUT in hepatocellular carcinoma potentiates a therapeutic opportunity through targeting its dUTPase activity. Cancer Letters 548,215898.
  5. Tse, R.T., Ding,X, Wong C.Y., Cheng,C.K., Chiu, P.K., Ng, C.F.. The Association between Spermidine/Spermine N1-Acetyltransferase (SSAT) and Human Malignancies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 5926.
  6. Liu, L., Tao., T., Liu, S., Yang, X., Chen, X., Liang, J., Hong, R., Wang, W., Yang, Y., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Li, Q., Liang, S., Yu, H., Wu, Y., Guo, X., Lai, Y., Ding, X., Guan, H., Wu, J., Zhu, X., Yuan, J., Li, J., Su, S., Li, M., Cai, X., Cai, J., Tian, H.. (2021). An RFC4/Notch1 signaling feedback loop promotes NSCLC metastasis and stemness. Nature Communications 12(1):2693.
  7. Loong, H.H.F, Wong, A.M., Chan, D.T.M., Cheung, M,S.H., Chow, C., Ding, X., Chan, A.K., Johnston P.A., Lau J.Y.W., Poon W.S., Wong, N. (2020). Patient-derived tumor organoid predicts drugs response in glioblastoma: a step forward in personalized cancer therapy? Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 78, 400–402.
  8. Chen, H., Gao, F., He, M., Ding, X., Wong, A.M., Sze, S.C., Yu, A.C., Sun, T., Chan, A.W., Wang, X., Wong, N. (2019). Long-read RNA Sequencing identifies Novel Splice Variants in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Tumor-specific Isoforms. Hepatology 70(3):1011-1025.
  9. Yang, J., Ding, X., Zhu, W. (2018). Improving the calling of non-invasive prenatal testing on 13-/18-/21-trisomy by support vector machine discrimination. PLoS One 13, e0207840.
  10. He, M., Qin, H., Poon, T.C., Sze, S.C., Ding, X., Co, N.N., Ngai, S.M., Chan, T.F., Wong, N. (2015). Hepatocellular carcinoma-derived exosomes promote motility of immortalized hepatocyte through transfer of oncogenic proteins and RNAs. Carcinogenesis 36, 1008-1018.
  11. Kumar, Y., Yang, J., Hu, T., Chen, L., Xu, Z., Xu, L., Hu, X.X., Tang, G., Wang, J.M., Li, Y., Poon, W.S., Wan, W., Zhang, L., Mat, W.K., Pun, F.W., Lee, P., Cheong, T.H., Ding, X., Ng, S.K., Tsang, S.Y., Chen, J.F., Zhang, P., Li, S., Wang, H.Y., Xue, H. (2015). Massive interstitial copy-neutral loss-of-heterozygosity as evidence for cancer being a disease of the DNA-damage response. BMC Medical Genomics 8, 42-015-0104-2.
  12. Tsang, S.Y., Mei, L., Wan, W., Li, J., Li, Y., Zhao, C., Ding, X., Pun, F.W., Hu, X., Wang, J., Zhang, J., Luo, R., Cheung, S.T., Leung, G.K., Poon, W.S., Ng, H.K., Zhang, L., Xue, H. (2015). Glioma Association and Balancing Selection of ZFPM2. PLoS One 10,
  13. Yang, J., Ding, X., Sun, X., Tsang, S.Y., Xue, H. (2015). SAMSVM: A tool for misalignment filtration of SAM-format sequences with support vector machine. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 13, 1550025. (Co-first)
  14. Ding, X., Tsang, S.Y., Ng, S.K., Xue, H. (2014). Application of Machine Learning to Development of Copy Number Variation-based Prediction of Cancer Risk. Genomics Insights 7, 1-11.
  15. Yang, J., Ding, X., Chen, L., Mat, W.K., Xu, M.Z., Chen, J.F., Wang, J.M., Xu, L., Poon, W.S., Kwong, A., Leung, G.K., Tan, T.C., Yu, C.H., Ke, Y.B., Xu, X.Y., Ke, X.Y., Ma, R.C., Chan, J.C., Wan, W.Q., Zhang, L.W., Kumar, Y., Tsang, S.Y., Li, S., Wang, H.Y., Xue, H. (2014). Copy number variation analysis based on AluScan sequences. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 4, 15-014-0015-z. eCollection 2014. (Co-first)
  16. Mei, L., Ding, X., Tsang, S.Y., Pun, F.W., Ng, S.K., Yang, J., Zhao, C., Li, D., Wan, W., Yu, C.H., Tan, T.C., Poon, W.S., Leung, G.K., Ng, H.K., Zhang, L., Xue, H. (2011). AluScan: a method for genome-wide scanning of sequence and structure variations in the human genome. BMC Genomics 12, 564-2164-12-564. (Co-first)
  17. Ding, X., Jiang, L., Ke, C., Yang, Z., Lei, C., Cao, K., Xu, J., Xu, L., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., Huang, P., Huang, W., Zhu, X., He, Z., Liu, L., Li, J., Yuan, J., Wu, J., Tang, X., Li, M. (2010). Amino acid sequence analysis and identification of mutations under positive selection in hemagglutinin of 2009 influenza A (H1N1) isolates. Virus Genes 41, 329-340.
  18. Li, M., Li, J., Ding, X., He, M., Cheng, S.Y. (2010). microRNA and cancer. The AAPS Journal 12, 309-317.
  19. Song, L., Li, W., Zhang, H., Liao, W., Dai, T., Yu, C., Ding, X., Zhang, L., Li, J. (2009). Over-expression of AEG-1 significantly associates with tumour aggressiveness and poor prognosis in human non-small cell lung cancer. The Journal of Pathology 219, 317-326.
Research Grants
2021/2022 A Bioinformatic Modelling for Synthetical Lethal Gene Interactions in HCC to Inform Actionable Genomic and Epigenetic Alterations, Direct Grant for Research
Professional Activities
Journal reviewer:
Cell & Bioscience, Frontiers in Pharmacology and Frontiers in Genetics
  1. Xue, H, Ding, X., Tsang, S.Y.. Use of recurrent copy number variation in the constitutional human genome for the prediction of predisposition to cancer. 2020-02-11, China, 201580021591.3.
  2. Yang, J, Ding, X, Zhu W, He H, Li, Q, Ma, S. Establishment of essential capacities, methodologies and hardwares for high-throughput bio-computing center. 2021-04-09, China. 201710619197.0.