2015 Publication List

- Ajiro, M., Jia, R., Wang, R. H., Deng, C. X., and Zheng, Z. M. (2015) Adapted Resistance to the Knockdown Effect of Shrna-Derived Srsf3 Sirnas in Mouse Littermates. Int J Biol Sci 11 (11), 1248-1256
- Wu, X. L., Li, J., Zhou, W., and Tam, K. (2015) Animal Models for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Focused Review of Transgenic Rodent Models and Behavioral Assessment Methods. ADMET and DMPK 3 (3), 242-253
- Head, S. A., Shi, W., Zhao, L., Gorshkov, K., Pasunooti, K., Chen, Y., Deng, Z., Li, R. j., Shim, J. S., Tan, W., Hartung, T., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., Colombini, M., and Liu, J. O. (2015) Antifungal Drug Itraconazole Targets VDAC1 to Modulate the AMPK/mTOR Signaling Axis in Endothelial Cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (52), E7276-E7285
- Wang, Y. X., Xiang, Y. T., Su, Y. A., Li, Q., Shu, L., Ng, C., Ungvari, G., Chiu, H., Nin, Y. P., Wang, G. H., Bai, P. S., Li, T., Sun, L. Z., Shi, J. G., Chen, X. S., Mei, Q. Y., Li, K. Q., Yu, X., and Si, T. M. (2015) Antipsychotic Medications in Major Depression and the Association with Treatment Satisfaction and Quality of Life: Findings of Three National Surveys on Use of Psychotropics in China between 2002 and 2012. Chinese Med J-Peking 128 (14), 1847
- Li, Q., Xiang, Y. T., Su, Y. A., Shu, L., Yu, X., Chiu, H., Correll, C., Ungvari, G., Lai, K., Ma, C., Wang, G. H., Bai, P. S., Li, T., Sun, L. Z., Shi, J. G., Chen, X. S., Mei, Q. Y., Li, K. Q., and Si, T. M. (2015) Antipsychotic Polypharmacy in Schizophrenia Patients in China and Its Association with Treatment Satisfaction and Quality of Life: Findings of the Third National Survey on Use of Psychotropic Medications in China. Aust Nz J Psychiat 49 (2), 129-136
- Zhang, W., Sun, H., Yin, S., Chang, J., Li, Y., Guo, X., and Yuan, Z. (2015) Bright Red-Emitting Polymer Dots for Specific Cellular Imaging. J Mater Sci 50 (16), 5571-5577
- Liu, Z. H., Sun, Z. Z., Di, W. H., Qin, W. P., Yuan, Z., and Wu, C. F. (2015) Brightness Calibrates Particle Size in Single Particle Fluorescence Imaging. Opt Lett 40 (7), 1242-1245
- Li, J., Zhou, W., Wu, X. L., and Tam, K. (2015) Chemical and Physical Approaches for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. ADMET and DMPK 3 (3), 216-234
- Zhao, J. Q., Peng, L. Z., Zheng, W. H., Wang, R. K., Zhang, L., Yang, J., and Chen, H. (2015) Chemically Bonding of Amantadine with Gardenamide a Enhances the Neuroprotective Effects against Corticosterone-Induced Insults in PC12 Cells. Int J Mol Sci 16 (9), 22795-22810
- Li, Q., Xiang, Y. T., Su, Y. A., Shu, L., Yu, X., Correll, C., Ungvari, G., Chiu, H., Ma, C., Wang, G. H., Bai, P. S., Li, T., Sun, L. Z., Shi, J. G., Chen, X. S., Mei, Q. Y., Li, K. Q., Si, T. M., and Kane, J. (2015) Clozapine in Schizophrenia and Its Association with Treatment Satisfaction and Quality of Life: Findings of the Three National Surveys on Use of Psychotropic Medications in China (2002-2012). Schizophr Res 168 (1-2), 523-529
- Hou, C. L., Cai, M. Y., Ma, X. R., Zang, Y., Jia, F. J., Lin, Y. Q., Chiu, H., Ungvari, G., Ng, C., Zhong, B. L., Cao, X. J., Li, Y., Shinfuku, N., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Clozapine Prescription and Quality of Life in Chinese Patients with Schizophrenia Treated in Primary Care. Pharmacopsychiatry 48 (6), 200-204
- Zhang, J., Liu, Q., Chen, H. F., Yuan, Z., Huang, J., Deng, L. H., Lu, F. M., Zhang, J. P., Wang, Y. Q., and Wang, M. W. (2015) Combining Self-Organizing Mapping and Supervised Affinity Propagation Clustering Approach to Investigate Functional Brain Networks Involved in Motor Imagery and Execution with fMRI Measurements. Front Hum Neurosci 9, 400
- Beers, J., Linask, K., Chen, J., Siniscalchi, L., Lin, Y. S., Zheng, W., Rao, M., and Chen, G. K. (2015) A Cost-Effective and Efficient Reprogramming Platform for Large-Scale Production of Integration-Free Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Chemically Defined Culture. Scientific reports 5, 11319
- Ma, X. R., Hou, C. L., Zang, Y., Jia, F. J., Lin, Y. Q., Li, Y., Chiu, H., Ungvari, G., Correll, C., Lai, K., Zhong, B. L., Cao, X. L., Cai, M. Y., Yun, J., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Could the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Report (QIDS-SR) Be Used in Depressed Schizophrenia Patients? Journal of affective disorders 172, 191-194
- Chee, K. Y., Tripathi, A., Avasthi, A., Chong, M. Y., Xiang, Y. T., Sim, K., Si, T. M., Kanba, S., He, Y. L., and Lee, M. S. (2015) Country Variations in Depressive Symptoms Profile in Asian Countries: Findings of the Research on Asia Psychotropic Prescription (REAP) Studies. Asia‐Pacific Psychiatry 7 (3), 276-285
- Wang, L., Zhou, H., Wang, Y., Cui, G. Z., and Di, L. J. (2015) CtBP Maintains Cancer Cell Growth and Metabolic Homeostasis via Regulating SIRT4. Cell death AND disease 6 (1), e1620
- Hu, C., Geng, Y., Feng, Y., Wang, G., Ungvari, G., Chiu, H., Kilbourne, A., Lai, K., Si, T. M., Zheng, Q. W., Fang, Y. R., Lu, Z., Yang, H. C., Hu, J. H., Chen, Z. Y., Huang, Y., Sun, J., Wang, X. P., Li, H. C., Zhang, J. B., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Demographic and Clinical Differences between Early-and Late-Onset Major Depressions in Thirteen Psychiatric Institutions in China. Journal of Affective Disorders 170, 266-269
- Cui, S. J., Li, Y. Q., Xiang, Y. T., Yan, K. J., Fan, C. X., Chen, Q., Du, W. J., Zhang, G. F., Xiao, L., Li, Y., Yuan, X. F., Xie, K. K., and Luo, X. N. (2015) Demographic and Clinical Features of Chinese Heroin Users Who Switch from Non-Injection to Injection. Subst Use Misuse 50 (14), 1739-1746
- Shi, Y. Z., Xiang, Y. T., Yang, Y., Zhang, N., Wang, S., Ungvari, G., Chiu, H., Tang, W. K., Wang, Y. L., Zhao, X. Q., Wang, Y. J., and Wang, C. X. (2015) Depression after Minor Stroke: Prevalence and Predictors. J Psychosom Res 79 (2), 143-147
- Drissi, H., Gibson, J. D., Guzzo, R. M., and Xu, R.-H. (2015) Derivation and Chondrogenic Commitment of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Mesenchymal Progenitors. Methods Mol Biol 1340, 65-78
- Zhang, G. B., Zhang, X. J., Zhang, Y., Wang, H., Kong, L., Tian, Y. P., Tao, X. T., Bi, H., and Yang, J. X. (2015) Design of Turn-on Fluorescent Probe for Effective Detection of Hg 2+ by Combination of Aiee-Active Fluorophore and Binding Site. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 221, 730-739
- Zhang, S. L., Hu, X. H., Zhang, W., Yao, H. K., and Tam, K. Y. (2015) Development of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase Inhibitors in Medicinal Chemistry with Particular Emphasis as Anticancer Agents. Drug Discov Today 20 (9), 1112-1119
- Yao, K., and Ge, W. (2015) Differential Regulation of Kit ligand A (Kitlga) Expression in the Zebrafish Ovarian Follicle Cells–Evidence for the Existence of a Cyclic Adenosine 3′, 5′ Monophosphate-Mediated Binary Regulatory System during Folliculogenesis. Mol Cell Endocrinol 402, 21-31
- Zhang, Z. W., Lau, S. W., Zhang, L. L., and Ge, W. (2015) Disruption of Zebrafish Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor (Fshr) but Not Luteinizing Hormone Receptor (Lhcgr) Gene by Talen Leads to Failed Follicle Activation in Females Followed by Sexual Reversal to Males. Endocrinology 156 (10), 3747-3762
- Jha, R., Xu, R. H., and Xu, C. H. (2015) Efficient Differentiation of Cardiomyocytes from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells with Growth Factors. Methods Mol Biol 1299, 115-131
- Wang, Z. M., Zhu, H., Pan, Y. L., Chiu, H., Correll, C., Ungvari, G., Lai, K., Cao, X. L., Li, Y., Zhong, B. L., Zhang, X. Y., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Electroconvulsive Therapy and Its Association with Demographic and Clinical Characteristics in Chinese Psychiatric Patients. The journal of ECT 31 (2), 114-118
- Zhang, Z. F., Chen, X. Y., Yu, P., Zhang, Q. M., Sun, X. C., Gu, H., Zhang, H., Zhai, J. G., Chen, M., Du, B. Q., Deng, X. X., Ji, F., Wang, C. Y., Xiang, Y. T., Li, D. W., Wu, H. J., Li, J. L., Dong, Q., and Chen, C. S. (2015) Evidence for the Contribution of Nos1 Gene Polymorphism (Rs3782206) to Prefrontal Function in Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Controls. Neuropsychopharmacol 40 (6), 1383-1394
- Chen, L., Heikkinen, L., Emily Knott, K., Liang, Y. C., and Wong, G. (2015) Evolutionary Conservation and Function of the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Specific miR-302/367 Cluster. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 16, 83-98
- Lv, J. F., and Shim, J. S. (2015) Existing Drugs and Their Application in Drug Discovery Targeting Cancer Stem Cells. Arch Pharm Res 38 (9), 1617-1626
- Wang, G. L., Rajpurohit, S., Delaspre, F., Walker, S., White, D., Ceasrine, A., Kuruvilla, R., Li, R. j., Shim, J. S., Liu, J. O., Parsons, M., and Mumm, J. (2015) First Quantitative High-Throughput Screen in Zebrafish Identifies Novel Pathways for Increasing Pancreatic Β-Cell Mass. Elife 4, e08261
- Zheng, K. Z., Song, W. Y., He, G. H., Yuan, Z., and Qin, W. P. (2015) Five-Photon Uv Upconversion Emissions of Er3+ for Temperature Sensing. Opt Express 23 (6), 7653-7658
- Wang, H. T., Quirion, R., Little, P., Cheng, Y. F., Feng, Z. P., Sun, H. S., Xu, J. P., and Zheng, W. H. (2015) Forkhead Box O Transcription Factors as Possible Mediators in the Development of Major Depression. Neuropharmacology 99, 527-537
- Zheng, W., Tang, L. R., Correll, C., Ungvari, G., Chiu, H., Xiang, Y. Q., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Frequency and Correlates of Distant Visual Impairment in Patients with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder. East Asian Arch Psychiatry 25 (3), 115
- Lu, F. M., Zhou, J. S., Zhang, J., Xiang, Y. T., Zhang, J., Liu, Q., Wang, X. P., and Yuan, Z. (2015) Functional Connectivity Estimated from Resting-State fMRI Reveals Selective Alterations in Male Adolescents with Pure Conduct Disorder. PLoS One 10 (12), e0145668
- Wang, R. K., Peng, L. Z., Zhao, J. Q., Zhang, L. T., Guo, C. P., Zheng, W. H., and Chen, H. R. (2015) Gardenamide A Protects Rgc-5 Cells from H2o2-Induced Oxidative Stress Insults by Activating PI3K/Akt/Enos Signaling Pathway. Int J Mol Sci 16 (9), 22350-22367
- Zhang, Z. W., Zhu, B., and Ge, W. (2015) Genetic Analysis of Zebrafish Gonadotropin (FSH and Lh) Functions by Talen-Mediated Gene Disruption. Mol Endocrinol 29 (1), 76-98
- He, M., Qin, H., Poon, T., Sze, S. C., Ding, X. F., Ngai, S. M., Chan, T. F., and Wong, N. (2015) Hepatocellular Carcinoma-Derived Exosomes Promote Motility of Immortalized Hepatocyte through Transfer of Oncogenic Proteins and Rnas. Carcinogenesis, bgv081
- Blessing, A., Ganesan, S., Rajapakshe, K., Ying, S. Y., Reddy Bollu, L., Shi, Y., Cheung, E., Coarfa, C., Chang, J., McDonnell, D., and Frigo, D. (2015) Identification of a Novel Coregulator, Sh3yl1, That Interacts with the Androgen Receptor N-Terminus. Mol Endocrinol 29 (10), 1426-1439
- Wang, X. F., Lazorchak, A., Song, L., Li, E. Q., Zhang, Z. W., Jiang, B., and Xu, R. H. (2015) Immune Modulatory Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells through a Trophoblast‐Like Stage. Stem Cells
- Song, Y. Q., Xiang, Y. T., Huang, Y. Q., Wang, X. Q., Wang, X. L., Zhang, F. Q., Kwan, J. S. H., Chan, O. C., Wang, Z. R., Ungvari, G., Correll, C., and Zaroff, C. (2015) Impairments in Negative Facial Emotion Recognition in Chinese Schizophrenia Patients Detected with a Newly Designed Task. The Journal of nervous and mental disease 203 (9), 718-724
- Sarris, J., Nishi, D., Xiang, Y. T., Su, K. P., Bannatyne, A., Oliver, G., Kua, E. H., and Ng, C. H. (2015) Implementation of Psychiatric‐Focused Lifestyle Medicine Programs in Asia. Asia‐Pacific Psychiatry 7 (4), 345-354
- Zhang, J., Ge, W., and Yuan, Z. (2015) In Vivo Three-Dimensional Characterization of the Adult Zebrafish Brain Using a 1325 Nm Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography System with the 27 Frame/S Video Rate. Biomed Opt Express 6 (10), 3932-3940
- Shim, J. S., Li, R. J., Lv, J. F., Head, S., Yang, E. J., and Liu, J. O. (2015) Inhibition of Angiogenesis by Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators through Blockade of Cholesterol Trafficking Rather Than Estrogen Receptor Antagonism. Cancer Lett 362 (1), 106-115
- Dai, J., Zhong, B. L., Xiang, Y. T., Chiu, H., Chan, S., Yu, X., and Caine, E. (2015) Internal Migration, Mental Health, and Suicidal Behaviors in Young Rural Chinese. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 50 (4), 621-631
- Chee, K. Y., Tripathi, A., Avasthi, A., Chong, M. Y., Sim, K., Yang, S. Y., Glover, S., Xiang, Y. T., Si, T. M., and Kanba, S. (2015) International Study on Antidepressant Prescription Pattern at 40 Major Psychiatric Institutions and Hospitals in Asia: A 10‐Year Comparison Study. Asia‐Pacific Psychiatry 7 (4), 366-374
- Li, Y., An, F. R., Zhu, H., Chiu, H., Ungvari, G., Ng, C., Lai, K., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Knowledge and Attitudes of Patients and Their Relatives toward Electroconvulsive Therapy in China. Perspect Psychiatr C
- Wang, G. N., Zhang, X. J., Liu, Y. X., Hu, Z. J., Mei, X. F., and Uvdal, K. (2015) Magneto-Fluorescent Nanoparticles with High-Intensity NIR Emission, T 1-and T 2-Weighted Mr for Multimodal Specific Tumor Imaging. J Mater Chem B 3 (15), 3072-3080
- Guo, T., Xiang, Y. T., Xiao, L., Hu, C. Q., Chiu, H., Ungvari, G., Correll, C., Lai, K., Feng, L., Geng, Y., Feng, Y., and Wang, G. (2015) Measurement-Based Care Versus Standard Care for Major Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Blind Raters. Am J Psychiat 172 (10), 1004-1013
- Jampilek, J., Crowley, P., Olsen, M., and Tam, K. (2015) Modern Approaches to Quality Assurance of Drug Formulations. Biomed Res Int 2015, 126478
- Li, S. F., Montcel, B., Yuan, Z., Liu, W. Y., and Vray, D. (2015) Multigrid-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography. Biomed Opt Express 6 (7), 2424-2434
- Li, D. Z., Liu, J., Zhang, L., Xu, T. S., Chen, J. H., Wang, L. P., and Zhao, Q. (2015) N-Terminal Residues of an HIV-1 Gp41 Membrane-Proximal External Region Antigen Influence Broadly Neutralizing 2F5-Like Antibodies. Virol Sin 30 (6), 449-456
- Chen, H. B., Yuan, Z., and Wu, C. F. (2015) Nanoparticle Probes for Structural and Functional Photoacoustic Molecular Tomography. Biomed Res Int 2015, 757101
- Chen, Q., Wang, H. T., Liao, S. F., Gao, Y., Liao, R. F., Little, P., Xu, J. P., Feng, Z. P., Zheng, Y. X., and Zheng, W. H. (2015) Nerve Growth Factor Protects Retinal Ganglion Cells against Injury Induced by Retinal Ischemia–Reperfusion in Rats. Growth Factors 33 (2), 149-159
- Chen, Y. K., Xiao, W. M., Li, W. Y., Liu, Y. L., Li, W., Qu, J. F., Fang, X. W., Weng, H. Y., Ungvari, G., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Neuroimaging Indicators of the Performance of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in Alzheimer’s Disease Combined with Cerebrovascular Disease. Geriatrics AND gerontology international 15 (5), 588-593
- Zha, X. J., Hu, Z. D., Ji, S., Jin, F. Q., Jiang, K. G., Li, C. J., Zhao, P., Tu, Z. Z., Chen, X. G., Di, L. J., Zhou, H. S., and Zhang, H. B. (2015) Nfkappab up-Regulation of Glucose Transporter 3 is Essential for Hyperactive Mammalian Target of Rapamycin-Induced Aerobic Glycolysis and Tumor Growth. Cancer Lett 359 (1), 97-106
- Busser, B., Lin, Y. S., Yang, Y. Q., Zhu, J., Chen, G. K., and Michelson, A. (2015) An Orthologous Epigenetic Gene Expression Signature Derived from Differentiating Embryonic Stem Cells Identifies Regulators of Cardiogenesis. PLoS One 10 (10), e0141066
- Rudgalvyte, M., and Wong, G. (2015) Perspectives on Caenorhabditis Elegans Models of Human Parkinson’s Disease. ADMET and DMPK 3 (2), 122-130
- Lu, F. M., and Yuan, Z. (2015) PET/SPECT Molecular Imaging in Clinical Neuroscience: Recent Advances in the Investigation of Cns Diseases. Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery 5 (3), 433-447
- Zhou, W., Tam, K., Meng, M. X., Shan, J. J., Wang, S. C., Ju, W. Z., Cai, B. C., and Di, L. Q. (2015) Pharmacokinetics Screening for Multi-Components Absorbed in the Rat Plasma after Oral Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Flos Lonicerae Japonicae–Fructus Forsythiae Herb Couple by Sequential Negative and Positive Ionization Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometric Detection. J Chromatogr A 1376, 84-97
- Chen, Y. K., Qu, J. F., Xiao, W. M., Li, W. Y., Weng, H. Y., Li, W., Liu, Y. L., Luo, G. P., Fang, X. W., Ungvari, G., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Poststroke Fatigue: Risk Factors and Its Effect on Functional Status and Health‐Related Quality of Life. Int J Stroke 10 (4), 506-512
- Huang, W. h., Wang, J. j., Liang, Y. y., Ge, W., Wang, G. C., Li, Y. l., and Chung, H. Y. (2015) Potent Anti-Angiogenic Component in Croton Crassifolius and Its Mechanism of Action. J Ethnopharmacol 175, 185-191
- Wong, A. H. H., and Deng, C. X. (2015) Precision Medicine for Personalized Cancer Therapy. Int J Biol Sci 11 (12), 1410-1412
- Li, L., Wang, Z. M., Chiu, H., Ungvari, G., Ng, C., Tse, A., Lok, G., Zhou, J. S., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) Prescription Patterns of Psychotropic Medications and Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Chinese Patients with Dementia. Int J Clin Pharm Th 53 (9), 722-727
- Chen, C., Si, T. M., Xiang, Y. T., Ungvari, G., Wang, C. Y., He, Y. L., Kua, E. H., Fujii, S., Sim, K., and Trivedi, J. (2015) Prevalence and Prescription of Antidepressants in Depression with Somatic Comorbidity in Asia: The Research on East Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns Study. Chinese Med J-Peking 128 (7), 853-858
- An, F. R., Qi, Y. K., Zeng, J. Y., Ding, Y. M., Chiu, H., Ungvari, G., Newhouse, R., Yu, D., Lai, K., and Xiang, Y. T. (2015) The Prevalence of Insomnia, Its Demographic Correlates, and Treatment in Nurses Working in Chinese Psychiatric and General Hospitals. Perspect Psychiatr C 52 (2), 88-94
- Cao, X. L., Zhong, B. L., Xiang, Y. T., Ungvari, G., Lai, K., Chiu, H., and Caine, E. (2015) Prevalence of Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts in the General Population of China: A Meta-Analysis. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 49 (4), 296-308
- Zhang, S. D., McCrudden, C., and Kwok, H. F. (2015) Prognostic Significance of Combining Vegfa, Flt1 and Kdr mRNA Expression in Lung Cancer. Oncol Lett 10 (3), 1893-1901
- Zhang, S. D., Leung, K. L., McCrudden, C., and Kwok, H. F. (2015) The Prognostic Significance of Combining Vegfa, Flt1 and Kdr mRNA Expressions in Brain Tumors. J Cancer 6 (9), 812-818
- Kwok, H. F., Zhang, S. D., McCrudden, C., Yuen, H. F., Ting, K. P., Wen, Q., Khoo, U. S., and Chan, K. Y. K. (2015) Prognostic Significance of Minichromosome Maintenance Proteins in Breast Cancer. Am J Cancer Res 5 (1), 52-71
- Huang, Y. D., Zhang, S. D., McCrudden, C., Chan, K. W., Lin, Y., and Kwok, H. F. (2015) The Prognostic Significance of PD-L1 in Bladder Cancer. Oncol Rep 33 (6), 3075-3084
- Zhao, D. Z., Guo, L. B., Neves, H., Yuen, H. F., Zhang, S. D., McCrudden, C., Wen, Q., Zhang, J., Zeng, Q., Kwok, H. F., and Lin, Y. (2015) The Prognostic Significance of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 4a2 in Breast Cancer. Oncotargets Ther 8, 1707-1717
- Leung, C. M., Mak , A., Xiang, Y. T., Lee, S., Yan, C., Leung, T., Bessonov, D., Akiskal, K., and Akiskal, H. (2015) Psychometric Properties of the Hong Kong Chinese (Cantonese) Temps-A in Medical Students. Journal of affective disorders 170, 23-29
- Xiang, Y. T., Chiu, H., Ungvari, G., Correll, C., Lai, K., Wang, C. Y., Si, T. M., Lee, E., He, Y. L., Yang, S. Y., Chong, M. Y., Kua, E. H., Fujii, S., Sim, K., Yong, M., Trivedi, J., Chung, E. K., Udomratn, P., Chee, K. Y., Sartorius, N., Tan, C. H., and Shinfuku, N. (2015) Qtc Prolongation in Schizophrenia Patients in Asia: Clinical Correlates and Trends between 2004 and 2008/2009. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 30 (2), 94-99
- Xiang, Y. T., Wong, T. S., Tsoh, J., Ungvari, G., Correll, C., Sareen, J., Penner-Goeke, K., Ko, F., Hui, D., and Chiu, H. (2015) Quality of Life in Older Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Hong Kong: A Case‐Control Study. Perspect Psychiatr C 51 (2), 121-127
- Neves, H., and Kwok, H. F. (2015) Recent Advances in the Field of Anti-Cancer Immunotherapy. BBA clinical 3, 280-288
- Xi, X. P., Li, B. C., Tian Bao, and Kwok, H. F. (2015) A Review on Bradykinin-Related Peptides Isolated from Amphibian Skin Secretion. Toxins 7 (3), 951-970
- Wang, H. T., Xu, J. P., Chen, J. S., Little, P., and Zheng, W. H. (2015) Role of IGF-1 Signaling in the Pathology of Diabetic Retinopathy. Therapeutic Targets for Neurological Diseases 2
- Asikainen, S., Heikkinen, L., Juhila, J., Holm, F., Weltner, J., Trokovic, R., Mikkola, M., Toivonen, S., Balboa, D., Lampela, R., Icay, K., Tuuri, T., Otonkoski, T., Wong, G., and Hovatta, O. (2015) Selective Microrna-Offset RNA Expression in Human Embryonic Stem Cells. PLoS One 10 (3), e0116668
- Li, S. Y., Chen, J., Chen, G., Li, Q., Sun, K., Yuan, Z., Qin, W. P., Xu, H., and Wu, C. F. (2015) Semiconductor Polymer Dots Induce Proliferation in Human Gastric Mucosal and Adenocarcinoma Cells. Macromol Biosci 15 (3), 318-327
- Zhang, S. D., McCrudden, C., Meng, C., Lin, Y., and Kwok, H. F. (2015) The Significance of Combining Vegfa, Flt1, and Kdr Expressions in Colon Cancer Patient Prognosis and Predicting Response to Bevacizumab. Oncotargets Ther 8, 835-843
- Chang, K. W., Men, X. J., Chen, H. B., Liu, Z. H., Yin, S. Y., Qin, W. P., Yuan, Z., and Wu, C. F. (2015) Silica-Encapsulated Semiconductor Polymer Dots as Stable Phosphors for White Light-Emitting Diodes. J Mater Chem C 3 (28), 7281-7285
- Kim, N. H., Pham, N. B., Quinn, R., Shim, J. S., Cho, H., Cho, S. M., Park, S. W., Kim, J. H., Seok, S. H., Oh, J. W., and Kwon, H. J. (2015) The Small Molecule R-(-)-Β-O-Methylsynephrine Binds to Nucleoporin 153 Kda and Inhibits Angiogenesis. Int J Biol Sci 11 (9), 1088-1099
- Tian, Y., Ding, Z. C., Tam, K. Y., Wang, Z. Y., Zhang, H. L., Zhao, D. C., Zhao, Y., Xu, W., and Zheng, S. X. (2015) Specific Frequency Bands of Amplitude Low-Frequency Fluctuations in Memory-Related Cognitive Impairment: Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease. ADMET and DMPK 3 (3), 274-280
- Dohoda, D., Tsinman, K., Tsinman, O., Wang, H., and Tam, K. (2015) Spectrophotometric Pk a Determination of Ionizable Pharmaceuticals: Resolution of Molecules with Weak pH-Dependent Spectral Shift. J Pharmaceut Biomed 114, 88-96
- Lahusen, T., and Deng, C. X. (2015) Srt1720 Induces Lysosomal-Dependent Cell Death of Breast Cancer Cells. Mol Cancer Ther 14 (1), 183-192
- Kamato, D., Thach, L., Bernard, R. C., Vincent, Zheng, W. H., Kaur, H., Brimble, M., Osman, N., and Little, P. (2015) Structure, Function, Pharmacology and Therapeutic Potential of the G Protein, Ga/Q, 11. FRONT CARDIOVASC MED 2, 1-11
- Lane, J., Yumoto, K., Azhar, M., Ninomiya, T. J., Inagaki, M., Hu, Y., Deng, C. X., Kim, J., Mishina, Y., and Kaartinen, V. (2015) Tak1, Smad4 and Trim33 Redundantly Mediate TGF-Β3 Signaling during Palate Development. Dev Biol 398 (2), 231-241
- Ling, L., Tan, S. K., Goh, T. H., Cheung, E., Nurcombe, V., van Wijnen, A., and Cool, S. (2015) Targeting the Heparin-Binding Domain of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 as a Potential Cancer Therapy. Mol Cancer 14 (1), 136
- Zhang, W., Zhang, S. L., Hu, X. H., and Tam, K. Y. (2015) Targeting Tumor Metabolism for Cancer Treatment: is Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinases (Pdks) a Viable Anticancer Target? Int J Biol Sci 11 (12), 1390
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