2020 Publication List

- Yu, J., Zhong, B. L., Jin, L., Hou, Y., Ai, N., Ge, W., Li, L. X., Liu, S. Q., Lu, J. J., and Chen, X. P. (2020) 2-Methoxy-6-acetyl-7-methyljuglone (MAM) Induced Programmed Necrosis in Glioblastoma by Targeting NAD(P)H: Quinone Oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1). Free Radic Biol Med 152, 336-347
- Kang, K., Quan, K. T., Byun, H. S., Lee, S. R., Piao, X. Z., Ju, E. J., Park, K. A., Sohn, K. C., Shen, H. M., Na, M. K., and Hur, G. M. (2020) 3-O-acetylrubianol C (3ar-C) Induces RIPK1-Dependent Programmed Cell Death by Selective Inhibition of IKKbeta. Faseb J 34 (3), 4369-4383
- Ju, Y. J., and Tam, K. Y. (2020) 9r, the Cholinesterase and Amyloid Beta Aggregation Dual Inhibitor, as a Multifunctional Agent to Improve Cognitive Deficit and Neuropathology in the Triple-Transgenic Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model. Neuropharmacology 181, 108354
- Chen, Q. M., Tong, X. L., Zhu, Y. J., Tsoi, C. C., Jia, Y. W., Li, Z. H., and Zhang, X. M. (2020) Aberration-Free Aspherical in-Plane Tunable Liquid Lenses by Regulating Local Curvatures. Lab Chip 20 (5), 995-1001
- Huang, B., Yip, W. K., Wei, N., and Luo, K. Q. (2020) Acetyltanshinone IIA is More Potent Than Lapatinib in Inhibiting Cell Growth and Degrading HER2 Protein in Drug-Resistant HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Cells. Cancer Lett 490, S0304-3835(0320)30340-30342
- Geng, X. R., Gao, D. Y., Hu, D. H., Liu, Q. H., Liu, C. B., Yuan, Z., Zhang, X. J., Liu, X., Sheng, Z. H., Wang, X. B., and Zheng, H. R. (2020) Active-Targeting NIR-II Phototheranostics in Multiple Tumor Models Using Platelet-Camouflaged Nanoprobes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 12 (50), 55624-55637
- Vassiliadis, D., Wong, K. H., Blinco, J., Dumsday, G., Andrianopoulos, A., and Monahan, B. (2020) Adaptation to Industrial Stressors through Genomic and Transcriptional Plasticity in a Bioethanol Producing Fission Yeast Isolate. G3 (Bethesda) 10 (4), 1375-1391
- Zheng, W., Xiang, Y. Q., Cai, D. B., Yang, X. H., Zhang, L., Lu, X. B., Tong, Y. M., Huang, X., Ungvari, G. S., Sim, K., Ning, Y. P., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) Adjunctive Fluvoxamine for Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials. J Clin Psychopharmacol 40 (4), 386-390
- Zheng, W., Li, W., Qi, H., Xiao, L., Sim, K., Ungvari, G. S., Lu, X. B., Huang, X., Ning, Y. P., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) Adjunctive Folate for Major Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review. J Affect Disord 267, 123-130
- Zheng, W., Cai, D. B., Xiang, Y. Q., Jiang, W.-L., Sim, K., Ungvari, G. S., Huang, X., Huang, X. X., Ning, Y. P., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) Adjunctive Intranasal Esketamine for Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review of Randomized Double-Blind Controlled-Placebo Studies. J Affect Disord 265, 63-70
- Jiang, W. L., Cai, D. B., Yin, F., Zhang, L., Zhao, X. W., He, J., Ng, C. H., Ungvari, G. S., Sim, K., Hu, M. L., Zheng, W., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) Adjunctive Metformin for Antipsychotic-Induced Dyslipidemia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials. Transl Psychiatry 10 (1), 117
- Wu, C. G., Zhang, J., and Yuan, Z. (2020) Affective Picture Processing is Modulated by Emotion Word Type in Masked Priming Paradigm: An Event-Related Potential Study. J Cogn Psychol 32 (3), 287-297
- Zhang, S. S., Huang, Y. P., Kong, L., Zhang, X. J., and Yang, J. X. (2020) Aggregation-Induced Emission-Active Tetraphenylethylene Derivatives Containing Arylimidazole Unit for Reversible Mechanofluorochromism and Selective Detection of Picric Acid. Dyes Pigments 181, 108574
- Xu, S. Y., Lu, F. M., Wang, M. Y., Hu, Z. S., Zhang, J., Chen, Z. Y., Armada-da-Silva, P. A. S., and Yuan, Z. (2020) Altered Functional Connectivity in the Motor and Prefrontal Cortex for Children with Down’s Syndrome: An fNIRS Study. Front Hum Neurosci 14, 6
- Park, J. W., Fu, S. Y., Huang, B. R., and Xu, R. H. (2020) Alternative Splicing in Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation. Stem Cells 38 (10), 1229-1240
- Zhang, Z. W., Zhu, B., Chen, W. T., and Ge, W. (2020) Anti-Mullerian Hormone (Amh/Amh) Plays Dual Roles in Maintaining Gonadal Homeostasis and Gametogenesis in Zebrafish. Mol Cell Endocrinol 517, 110963
- Hwang, H. Y., Shim, J. S., Kim, D., and Kwon, H. J. (2020) Antidepressant Drug Sertraline Modulates AMPK-MTOR Signaling-Mediated Autophagy via Targeting Mitochondrial VDAC1 Protein. Autophagy, 1-17
- Zhao, X., Li, S., Gaur, U., and Zheng, W. H. (2020) Artemisinin Improved Neuronal Functions in Alzheimer’s Disease Animal Model 3xtg Mice and Neuronal Cells via Stimulating the ERK/CREB Signaling Pathway. Aging Dis 11 (4), 801-819
- Liu, L. L., Zhao, X., Silva, M., Li, S., Xing, X. G., and Zheng, W. H. (2020) Artemisinin Protects Motoneurons against Axotomy-Induced Apoptosis through Activation of the PKA-Akt Signaling Pathway and Promotes Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Differentiation into NeuN(+) Neurons. Pharmacol Res 159, 105049
- Ries, L. N. A., Pardeshi, L., Dong, Z., Tan, K. L., Steenwyk, J. L., Colabardini, A. C., Ferreira Filho, J. A., de Castro, P. A., Silva, L. P., Preite, N. W., Almeida, F., de Assis, L. J., Dos Santos, R. A. C., Bowyer, P., Bromley, M., Owens, R. A., Doyle, S., Demasi, M., Hernandez, D. C. R., Netto, L. E. S., Pupo, M. T., Rokas, A., Loures, F. V., Wong, K. H., and Goldman, G. H. (2020) The Aspergillus Fumigatus Transcription Factor RglT is Important for Gliotoxin Biosynthesis and Self-Protection, and Virulence. Plos Pathog 16 (7), e1008645
- Valero, C., Colabardini, A. C., Chiaratto, J., Pardeshi, L., de Castro, P. A., Ferreira Filho, J. A., Silva, L. P., Rocha, M. C., Malavazi, I., Costa, J. H., Fill, T., Barros, M. H., Wong, S. S. W., Aimanianda, V., Wong, K. H., and Goldman, G. H. (2020) Aspergillus Fumigatus Transcription Factors Involved in the Caspofungin Paradoxical Effect. Mbio 11 (3), e00816-00820
- Liu, Y. B., Chen, Z. Y., and Yuan, Z. (2020) Assessment of Bacterial Inflammation Based on Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Chinese Journal of Lasers 47 (2), 0207034-0207031-0207035
- Bressington, D. T., Cheung, T. C. C., Lam, S. C., Suen, L. K. P., Fong, T. K. H., Ho, H. S. W., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) Association between Depression, Health Beliefs, and Face Mask Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Front Psychiatry 11, 571179
- Lu, R., Liu, N., Feng, X., Feng, Y. N., Zhang, S., Wu, Y. N., Jia, T. A., Yang, X., Lee, L. T. O., and Sun, L. T. (2020) An Association Study between MiR-146a and INSR Gene Polymorphisms and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in Northeastern Han Chinese Population. Placenta 104, 94-101
- Chen, K. L., Yang, D. X., Zhao, F., Wang, S. C., Ye, Y., Sun, W. J., Lu, H. H., Ruan, Z., Xu, J. M., Wang, T. R., Lu, G., Wang, L. M., Shi, Y., Zhang, H. H., Wu, H., Lu, W. G., Shen, H. M., Xia, D. J., and Wu, Y. H. (2020) Autophagy and Tumor Database: ATdb, a Novel Database Connecting Autophagy and Tumor. Database (Oxford) 2020, baaa052
- Yang, S., Wei, W., and Zhao, Q. (2020) B7-H3, a Checkpoint Molecule, as a Target for Cancer Immunotherapy. Int J Biol Sci 16 (11), 1767-1773
- Chen, L., Wang, C. L., Sun, H. Y., Wang, J. X., Liang, Y. C., Wang, Y., and Wong, G. (2020) The Bioinformatics Toolbox for circRNA Discovery and Analysis. Brief Bioinform, 1-23
- Zhao, Q. (2020) Bispecific Antibodies for Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases: Clinical Progress to Date. Biodrugs 34 (2), 111-119
- Chen, Y., Li, B., Lyu, P., Kwok, H. F., Ge, L. L., and Wu, Q. N. (2020) Boronate Ester Bond-Based Potentiometric Aptasensor for Screening Carcinoembryonic Antigen-Glycoprotein Using Nanometer-Sized CaCO3 with Ion-Selective Electrode. Anal Bioanal Chem 413 (4), 1073-1080
- Chen, Q., Lei, J. H. P., Bao, J. L., Wang, H. T., Hao, W. H., Li, L., Peng, C., Masuda, T., Miao, K., Xu, J., Xu, X. L., and Deng, C. X. (2020) BRCA1 Deficiency Impairs Mitophagy and Promotes Inflammasome Activation and Mammary Tumor Metastasis. Adv Sci 7 (6), 1903616
- Shi, C. X., Yang, E. J., Liu, Y. F., Mou, P. K., Ren, G. W., and Shim, J. S. (2020) Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal Motif (BET) Inhibition is Synthetic Lethal with Loss of SMAD4 in Colorectal Cancer Cells via Restoring the Loss of MYC Repression. Oncogene 40 (5), 937-950
- Li, L., Zou, J. H., Dai, Y. L., Fan, W. P., Niu, G., Yang, Z., and Chen, X. Y. (2020) Burst Release of Encapsulated Annexin A5 in Tumours Boosts Cytotoxic T-Cell Responses by Blocking the Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells. Nat Biomed Eng 4 (11), 1102-1116
- Zhou, Y. F., Wang, J. Q., Chang, Y. Y., Li, R., Sun, X. B., Peng, L. S., Zheng, W. H., and Qiu, W. (2020) Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Protects against Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis by Regulating T Cell Activities. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2020, 7274342
- Qin, Z., Kuok, C. N., Dong, H., Jiang, L., Zhang, L., Guo, M., Leong, H. K., Wang, L., Meng, G., and Wang, S. M. (2020) Can Population BRCA Screening Be Applied in Non-Ashkenazi Jewish Populations? Experience in Macau Population. J Med Genet, 107181
- Kinoshita, S., Cortright, K., Crawford, A., Mizuno, Y., Yoshida, K., Hilty, D., Guinart, D., Torous, J., Correll, C. U., Castle, D. J., Rocha, D., Yang, Y., Xiang, Y. T., Kolbaek, P., Dines, D., ElShami, M., Jain, P., Kallivayalil, R., Solmi, M., Favaro, A., Veronese, N., Seedat, S., Shin, S., de Pablo, G. S., Chang, C. H., Su, K.-P., Karas, H., Kane, J. M., Yellowlees, P., and Kishimoto, T. (2020) Changes in Telepsychiatry Regulations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: 17 Countries and Regions’ Approaches to an Evolving Healthcare Landscape. Psychol Med, 1-33
- Liu, J. L., Adhav, R., Miao, K., Su, S. M., Mo, L. H., Chan, U. I., Zhang, X., Xu, J., Li, J. J., Shu, X. D., Zeng, J. M., Zhang, X., Lyu, X., Pardeshi, L., Tan, K. L., Sun, H., Wong, K. H., Deng, C. X., and Xu, X. L. (2020) Characterization of BRCA1-Deficient Premalignant Tissues and Cancers Identifies Plekha5 as a Tumor Metastasis Suppressor. Nat Commun 11 (1), 4875
- Zhang, B. Y., Lyu, J. F., Yang, E. J., Liu, Y. F., Wu, C. J., Pardeshi, L., Tan, K. L., Chen, Q., Xu, X. L., Deng, C. X., and Shim, J. S. (2020) Class I Histone Deacetylase Inhibition is Synthetic Lethal with BRCA1 Deficiency in Breast Cancer Cells. Acta Pharm Sin B 10 (4), 615-627
- Zhang, J., Liu, Y. Y., Luo, R. S., Du, Z. C., Lu, F. M., Yuan, Z., Zhou, J. S., and Li, S. S. (2020) Classification of Pure Conduct Disorder from Healthy Controls Based on Indices of Brain Networks during Resting State. Med Biol Eng Comput 58 (9), 2071-2082
- Sinha, S., and Wang, S. M. (2020) Classification of VUS and Unclassified Variants in BRCA1 BRCT Repeats by Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 18, 723-736
- Guo, L. B., Wei, R., Lin, Y., and Kwok, H. F. (2020) Clinical and Recent Patents Applications of PD-1/PD-L1 Targeting Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment-Current Progress, Strategy, and Future Perspective. Front Immunol 11, 1508
- Shen, R., Jia, Y. W., Mak, P. I., and Martins, R. P. (2020) Clip-to-Release on Amplification (Croa): A Novel DNA Amplification Enhancer on and Off Microfluidics. Lab Chip 20 (11), 1928-1938
- Xu, H., Ohulchanskyy, T. Y., Qu, J. H., Yakovliev, A., Ziniuk, R., Yuan, Z., and Qu, J. L. (2020) Co-Encapsulating Indocyanine Green and CT Contrast Agent within Nanoliposomes for Trimodal Imaging and near Infrared Phototherapy of Cancer. Nanomed-Nanotechnol 29, 102269
- Zhou, F. C., Yang, Y., Wang, Y. Y., Rao, W. W., Zhang, S. F., Zeng, L. N., Zheng, W., Ng, C. H., Ungvari, G. S., Zhang, L., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia Monotherapy in Patients with Medical or Psychiatric Comorbidities: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Psychiatr Q 91 (4), 1209-1224
- Tam, B., Sinha, S., and Wang, S. M. (2020) Combining Ramachandran Plot and Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Structural-Based Variant Classification: Using TP53 Variants as Model. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 18, 4033-4039
- Li, W., Zhou, F. C., Zhang, L., Ng, C. H., Ungvari, G. S., Li, J., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) Comparison of Cognitive Dysfunction between Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Comparative Studies. J Affect Disord 274, 652-661
- Xu, S. Y., Cheong, L. I., Zhuang, Y., Couto, T. A. P., and Yuan, Z. (2020) Conducting Concurrent Electroencephalography and Functional near-Infrared Spectroscopy Recordings with a Flanker Task. J Vis Exp (159), e60669
- Lei, K. C., and Zhang, X. H. D. (2020) Conservation Analysis of SARS-Cov-2 Spike Suggests Complicated Viral Adaptation History from Bat to Human. Evol Med Public Health 2020 (1), 290-303
- Zhang, L., Qi, H., Liu, Z., Peng, W. J., Cao, H., Guo, C. Y., Sun, Y. Y., Pao, C., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) Construction of a ceRNA Coregulatory Network and Screening of Hub Biomarkers for Salt-Sensitive Hypertension. J Cell Mol Med 24 (13), 7254-7265
- Lim, W. K., Chew, Q. H., He, Y. L., Si, T. M., Chiu, F. K. H., Xiang, Y. T., Kato, T. A., Kanba, S., Shinfuku, N., Lee, M. S., Park, S. C., Park, Y. C., Chong, M. Y., Lin, S. K., Yang, S. Y., Tripathi, A., Avasthi, A., Grover, S., Kallivayalil, R. A., Udomratn, P., Chee, K. Y., Tanra, A. J., Rabbani, M. G., Javed, A., Kathiarachchi, S., Waas, D., Myint, W. A., Sartorius, N., Tran, V. C., Nguyen, K. V., Tan, C. H., Baldessarini, R. J., and Sim, K. (2020) Coprescription of Mood Stabilizers in Schizophrenia, Dosing, and Clinical Correlates: An International Study. Hum Psychopharmacol 35 (6), e2752
- Xiang, Y. T., Zhao, Y. J., Liu, Z. H., Li, X. H., Zhao, N., Cheung, T., and Ng, C. H. (2020) The COVID-19 Outbreak and Psychiatric Hospitals in China: Managing Challenges through Mental Health Service Reform. Int J Biol Sci 16 (10), 1741-1744
- Yi, Y., Lagniton, P. N. P., Ye, S., Li, E., and Xu, R. H. (2020) COVID-19: What Has Been Learned and to Be Learned About the Novel Coronavirus Disease. Int J Biol Sci 16 (10), 1753-1766
- Liu, Y. C., Wang, Y., Gozli, D. G., Xiang, Y. T., and Jackson, T. (2020) Current Status of the Anger Superiority Hypothesis: A Meta-Analytic Review of N2pc Studies. Psychophysiology 58 (1), e13700
- Li, J. N., and Kwok, H. F. (2020) Current Strategies for Treating NSCLC: From Biological Mechanisms to Clinical Treatment. Cancers (Basel) 12 (6), E1587
- Lu, F. M., Wang, M. Y., Xu, S. Y., Chen, H., Yuan, Z., Luo, L. Z., Wang, X. L., Zhang, J., Dai, J., Wang, X. P., Chen, H. F., and Zhou, J. S. (2020) Decreased Interhemispheric Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Male Adolescents with Conduct Disorder. Brain Imaging Behav
- Yan, J. L., Bhadra, P., Li, A., Sethiya, P., Qin, L. G., Tai, H. K., Wong, K. H., and Siu, S. W. I. (2020) Deep-AmPEP30: Improve Short Antimicrobial Peptides Prediction with Deep Learning. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids 20, 882-894
- Wang, S. C., and Zhang, X. J. (2020) Design Strategies of Photoacoustic Molecular Probes. Chembiochem 22 (2), 308-316
- Xiang, S. C., Huang, D., He, Q. L., Li, J., Tam, K. Y., Zhang, S. L., and He, Y. (2020) Development of Dual Inhibitors Targeting Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinases and Human Lactate Dehydrogenase A: High-Throughput Virtual Screening, Synthesis and Biological Validation. Eur J Med Chem 203, 112579
- He, Z. L., Chen, J. J., Pan, K. L., Yue, Y. C., Cheung, T., Yuan, Y., Du, N., Zhao, Y., Feng, Y. S., Zhou, D., Zhou, Y., Lu, F. M., Chen, Y., He, M. X., and Xiang, Y. T. (2020) The Development of the ‘COVID-19 Psychological Resilience Model’ and Its Efficacy during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China. Int J Biol Sci 16 (15), 2828-2834
- Gurian, E., Giraudi, P., Rosso, N., Tiribelli, C., Bonazza, D., Zanconati, F., Giuricin, M., Palmisano, S., de Manzini, N., Sergo, V., and Bonifacio, A. (2020) Differentiation between Stages of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Anal Chim Acta 1110, 190-198
- Wu, K., Song, W. Y., Zhang, Z. W., and Ge, W. (2020) Disruption of Dmrt1 Rescues the All-Male Phenotype of the Cyp19a1a Mutant in Zebrafish – a Novel Insight into the Roles of Aromatase/Estrogens in Gonadal Differentiation and Early Folliculogenesis. Development 147 (4)
- Sun, X. D., Zhou, Y., Zhang, R. B., Wang, Z. Q., Xu, M., Zhang, D. L., Huang, J. L., Luo, F. T., Li, F. F., Ni, Z. H., Zhou, S. R., Chen, H. G., Chen, S., Chen, L., Du, X. L., Chen, B., Huang, H. Y., Liu, P., Yin, L. J., Qiu, J. H., Chen, D., Deng, C. X., Xie, Y. L., Luo, L. F., and Chen, L. (2020) Dstyk Mutation Leads to Congenital Scoliosis-Like Vertebral Malformations in Zebrafish via Dysregulated mTORC1/TFEB Pathway. Nat Commun 11 (1), 479
- Zhang, L. W., Xie, L. S., Xu, S. H., Kuchel, R. P., Dai, Y. L., Jung, K., and Boyer, C. (2020) Dual Role of Doxorubicin for Photopolymerization and Therapy. Biomacromolecules 21 (9), 3887-3897
- Cho, Y. L., Siong Tan, H. W., Saquib, Q., Ren, Y., Ahmad, J., Wahab, R., He, W. F., Bay, B. H., and Shen, H. M. (2020) Dual Role of Oxidative stress-JNK Activation in Autophagy and Apoptosis Induced by Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles in Human Cancer Cells. Free Radic Biol Med 153, 173-186
- Yang, Y., Wang, C. X., Xiang, Y. T., Lu, J., and Penzel, T. (2020) Editorial: Mental Disorders Associated with Neurological Diseases. Front Psychiatry 11, 196
- Wang, Y. F., Chen, X. Q., Sha, L., Kendrick, K. M., Lee, L., and Cheng, C. H. K. (2020) Editorial: Neuroendocrine Research in Health and Disease. Front Neurosci 14, 176
- Zhao, W., Chen, X. Y., Zhang, Q. M., Du, B. Q., Deng, X. X., Ji, F., Xiang, Y. T., Wang, C. Y., Dong, Q., Chen, C. S., and Li, J. (2020) Effect of ZNF804A Gene Polymorphism (rs1344706) on the Plasticity of the Functional Coupling between the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex and the Contralateral Hippocampal Formation. Neuroimage Clin 27, 102279
- Couto, T. A., Xu, S. Y., da Silva, P. A., Wu, C. G., Neergaard, K., Wang, M. Y., Zhang, J., Xiang, Y. T., and Yuan, Z. (2020) Effective Connectivity Study Guiding the Neuromodulation Intervention in Figurative Language Comprehension Using Optical Neuroimaging. Neural Plast 2020, 8882207
- Herst, C. V., Burkholz, S., Sidney, J., Sette, A., Harris, P. E., Massey, S., Brasel, T., Cunha-Neto, E., Rosa, D. S., Chao, W. C. H., Carback, R., Hodge, T., Wang, L., Ciotlos, S., Lloyd, P., and Rubsamen, R. (2020) An Effective Ctl Peptide Vaccine for Ebola Zaire Based on Survivors’ CD8+ Targeting of a Particular Nucleocapsid Protein Epitope with Potential Implications for COVID-19 Vaccine Design. Vaccine 38 (28), 4464-4475
- Lv, X. Y., Lu, F. M., Zhang, J. H., Chen, H., Zhang, L., Wang, X. L., Fan, Y. Y., Fang, J. L., Hong, L., Wang, J., Liu, C. H., Yuan, Z., He, Z. L., and Wang, W. D. (2020) Effects of TIP Treatment on Brain Network Topology of Frontolimbic Circuit in First-Episode, Treatment-Naive Major Depressive Disorder. J Affect Disord 279, 122-130
- Li, J., Li, X., Yuan, Y., Wang, Q., Xie, L. S., Dai, Y. L., Wang, W. J., Li, L., Lu, X. M., Fan, Q. L., and Huang, W. (2020) Efficient Polysulfide-Based Nanotheranostics for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Ratiometric Photoacoustics Monitored Tumor Microenvironment-Initiated H2 S Therapy. Small 16 (39), e2002939
- Gao, J. H., Zhao, L. Y., Luo, Q., Liu, S. Y., Lin, Z. Y., Wang, P. X., Fu, X., Chen, J., Zhang, H. J., Lin, L., and Shi, A. B. (2020) An EHBP-1-SID-3-DYN-1 Axis Promotes Membranous Tubule Fission during Endocytic Recycling. Plos Genet 16 (5), e1008763
- Wang, M. Y., Zhang, Z. M., Miao, X. C., Lin, X. H., and Yuan, Z. (2020) Electrophysiological Evidence of Attentional Avoidance in Sub-Clinical Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms. IEEE Access 8, 91020-91027
- Sheraton, M. V., Chiew, G. G. Y., Melnikov, V., Tan, E. Y., Luo, K. Q., Verma, N., and Sloot, P. M. A. (2020) Emergence of Spatio-Temporal Variations in Chemotherapeutic Drug Efficacy: In-Vitro and in-Silico 3D Tumour Spheroid Studies. Bmc Cancer 20 (1), 1201
- Jia, H., Song, Y. L., Huang, B., Ge, W., and Luo, K. Q. (2020) Engineered Sensor Zebrafish for Fast Detection and Real-Time Tracking of Apoptosis at Single-Cell Resolution in Live Animals. ACS Sens 5 (3), 823-830
- Zhou, X. W., Liu, Y., Gao, Y. T., Wang, Y. X., Xia, Q., Zhong, R. M., Ma, C. B., Zhou, M., Xi, X. P., Shaw, C., Chen, T. B., Wu, D., Kwok, H. F., and Wang, L. (2020) Enhanced Antimicrobial Activity of N-Terminal Derivatives of a Novel Brevinin-1 Peptide from the Skin Secretion of Odorrana Schmackeri. Toxins (Basel) 12 (8)
- Shao, F. Y., Lyu, X. Y., Miao, K., Xie, L. S., Wang, H. T., Xiao, H., Li, J., Chen, Q., Ding, R. B., Chen, P., Xing, F. Q., Zhang, X., Luo, G. H., Zhu, W., Cheng, G., Lon, N. W., Martin, S. E., Wang, G. Y., Chen, G. K., Dai, Y. L., and Deng, C. X. (2020) Enhanced Protein Damage Clearance Induces Broad Drug Resistance in Multitype of Cancers Revealed by an Evolution Drug‐Resistant Model and Genome‐Wide siRNA Screening. Adv Sci 7 (23), 2001914
- Wang, Y., Li, J. J., Li, J. J., Li, P. P., Wang, L., and Di, L. J. (2020) An Enhancer-Based Analysis Revealed a New Function of Androgen Receptor in Tumor Cell Immune Evasion. Front Genet 11, 595550
- Fornasaro, S., Gurian, E., Pagarin, S., Genova, E., Stocco, G., Decorti, G., Sergo, V., and Bonifacio, A. (2020) Ergothioneine, a Dietary Amino Acid with a High Relevance for the Interpretation of Label-Free Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Spectra of Many Biological Samples. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 246, 119024
- Bhaskaran, S. P., Huang, T., Rajendran, B. K., Guo, M. N., Luo, J. T., Qin, Z. X., Zhao, B. J., Chian, J. S., Li, S. C., and Wang, S. M. (2020) Ethnic-Specific BRCA1/2 Variation within Asia Population: Evidence from over 78 000 Cancer and 40 000 Non-Cancer Cases of Indian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese Populations. J Med Genet
- Zhao, W., Huang, L., Li, Y., Zhang, Q. M., Chen, X. Y., Fu, W. J., Du, B., Deng, X. X., Ji, F., Xiang, Y. T., Wang, C. Y., Li, X. H., Dong, Q., Chen, C. S., Jaeggi, S. M., and Li, J. (2020) Evidence for the Contribution of COMT Gene Val158/108Met Polymorphism (rs4680) to Working Memory Training-Related Prefrontal Plasticity. Brain Behav 10 (2), e01523
- Jiang, M., Yang, L. F., Chen, Z. G., Lai, S. S., Zheng, J., and Peng, B. (2020) Exogenous Maltose Enhances Zebrafish Immunity to Levofloxacin-Resistant Vibrio Alginolyticus. Microb Biotechnol 13 (4), 1213-1227
- Xie, J. W., Chen, P. C., Xie, H. T., Sun, Y. Q., Huang, Z., Wei, R., Miao, Z. Q., Wang, Q. S., Zhang, S. D., Wong, K. H., Lin, Y., Huang, C. M., and Kwok, H. F. (2020) Exploration of Gastric Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (GNEC) Specific Signaling Pathways Involved in Chemoresistance via Transcriptome and in Vitro Analysis. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 18, 2610-2620
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