Contact Information
Research Team
Name Position Office Phone Email
Muya ZHOUPhD StudentN22-4040+853 8822 4283
Tianhong LIPhD StudentN22-4040+853 8822 4283
Xiaoying ZHANGPhD StudentN22-4037+853 8822 4267
Mingheng YUANPhD StudentN22-4040+853 8822 4283
Huaxing XIONGPhD StudentN22-4039+853 8822 4283
Jialing WANGPhD Student
Yue HUPhD Student
Mengmeng HUANGPhD Student
Yunjie YEPhD Student
Postdoctoral Fellow Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA (1995-1998)
PhD Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (1990-1995)
MSc Peking University, Department of Biology, Beijing, China (1982-1985)
BSc Peking University, Department of Biology, Beijing, China (1978-1982)
02/2025 – Present College Master of Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC)
07/2024 – 02/2025 Interim College Master of Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC)
01/2016 – Present Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau
05/2009 – 12/2015 Associate Professor, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
12/2003 – 05/2009 Visiting Assistant Professor, Bioengineering Graduate Program, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
08/1998 – 12/2003 Research Associate, Department of Biology, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
09/1989 – 08/1990 Research Assistant, Department of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
09/1987 – 08/1989 Research Assistant, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, USA
2021 Best Paper Award (The first place for the Second Prize) (2021) from the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau.
2021 Best Teacher (Excellence in Service) (2020/2021) from Faculty of the Health Sciences, University of Macau.
06/04/2022 The best poster award (First price) during the 6th Symposium on Biomedical Sciences for Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Assistants, Macau, China.
15/01/2022 The best poster award (3rd price) during the 1st International Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Conference in Translational Medicine & the 4th Macau Stem Cell Symposium, Macau, China.
2019 Best Teacher (Excellence in Service) (2018/2019) from Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau.
27-28/07/2017 The best poster award received during the International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Sensory Engineering (SAMSE), Singapore.
16-20/09/2016 The best poster award received during the 16th Biennial Metastasis Research Congress, Chengdu, China.
26-29/07/2015 The best poster award received during the International Conference of Optofluidics, Taipei, Taiwan.
12/1993 Travel Award received from the American Society for Cell Biology, San Francisco, USA.
Representative Publications
Selected from 94 publications (Citations: 6,103, h-index: 40, i10-index: 68 from Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?user=VyK5XakAAAAJ&hl=en)

(*: Luo KQ as first, corresponding & co-corresponding authors)

  1. Yang H, Jia H, Zhao Q, Luo KQ* (2022) Visualization of natural killer cell-mediated killing of cancer cells at single-cell resolution in live zebrafish. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 216, 15 November 2022, 114616. DOI: 1016/j.bios.2022.114616. Published online: 06 Aug 2022.
  2. Peng Z, Hao M, Tong H, Yang H, Huang B, Zhang Z, Luo KQ* (2022) The interactions between integrin α5β1 of liver cancer cells and fibronectin of fibroblasts promote tumor growth and angiogenesis. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 18(13):5019-5037. DOI: 10.7150/ijbs.72367. Published online: 01 Aug 2022.
  3. Li T, Luo KQ* (2022) Recipients of COVID-19 vaccines face challenges of SARS-CoV-2 variants. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 18(12): 4642-4647. DOI: 10.7150/ijbs.72424. Published online: 11 July 2022.
  4. Regmi S, Poudel C, Adhikari R, Luo KQ* (2022) Applications of microfluidics and organ on chips in cancer research. Biosensors 2022, 12(7):459. DOI:10.3390/bios12070459. Published online: 27 June 2022.
  5. Huang B, Hao M, Li C, Luo KQ* (2022) Acetyltanshinone IIA reduces the synthesis of cell cycle-related proteins by degrading p70S6K and subsequently inhibits drug-resistant lung cancer cell growth. Pharmacological Research 179 (2022) 106209, p1-18. DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2022.106209. Published online: 06 Apr 2022.
  6. Luo M, Fu A, Wu R, Wei N, Song K, Lim S, Luo KQ* (2022) High expression of G6PD increases doxorubicin resistance in triple negative breast cancer cells by maintaining GSH level. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 18(3):1120-1133. DOI: 10.7150/ijbs.65555. Published online: 01 Jan 2022.
  7. Li K, Wu R, Zhou M, Tong H, Luo KQ* (2021) Desmosomal proteins DSC2 and PKP1 promote cancer cells survival and metastasis by increasing cluster formation in circulatory system. Science Advances, Vol 7, Issue 40. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg7265. Published online: 29 Sep 2021.
  8. Jia H, Luo KQ* (2021) Fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based sensor zebrafish for detecting toxic agents with single-cell sensitivity. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 408:124826. Published online: Published online: 15 April 2021.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124826
  9. Wu R, Luo KQ* (2021) Developing effective siRNAs to reduce the expression of key viral genes of COVID-19. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 17(6):1521-1529. DOI: 10.7150/ijbs.59151. Published online: 10 April 2021.
  10. Wu R, Li K, Yuan M, Luo KQ* (2021) Nerve growth factor receptor increases the tumor growth and metastatic potential of triple-negative breast cancer cells. Oncogene, 40:2165-2185. DOI: 10.1038/s41388-021-01691-y. Published online: 24 February 2021.
  11. Huang B, Yip WK, Wei, N, Luo KQ* (2020) Acetyltanshinone IIA is more potent than lapatinib in inhibiting cell growth and degrading HER2 protein in drug-resistant HER2-positive breast cancer cells. Cancer Letters, 490:1-11. DOI: 1016/j.canlet.2020.06.010. Published online: 23 June 2020.
  12. Jia H, Song YL, Huang B, Wei G, Luo KQ* (2020) Engineered sensor zebrafish for fast detection and real-time tracking of apoptosis at single-cell resolution in live animals. ACS Sensors, 5:823-830. DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.9b02489. Published online: 27 Feb 2020.
  13. Wang Q, Luo M, Wei N, Chang A, Luo KQ* (2019) Development of a liposomal formulation of acetyltanshinone IIA for breast cancer therapy. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 16:3873-3886. DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.9b00493. Published online: 7 August 2019.
  14. Ma S, Fu A, Lim S, Chiew GGY, Luo KQ* (2018) MnSOD mediates shear stress-promoted tumor cell migration and adhesion. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 129:46-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.09.004. Published online: 5 September 2018.
  15. Regmi S, Fung TS, Lim S, Luo KQ* (2018) Fluidic shear stress increases the anti-cancer effects of ROS-generating drugs in circulating tumor cells. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 172(2):297–312. DOI: 10.1007/s10549-018-4922-8. Published online: 16 August 2018.
  16. Fu A, Peh YM, Ngan W, Wei N, Luo KQ* (2018) Rapid identification of anti-micrometastases drugs using integrated model systems with 2D monolayer, 3D spheroids and zebrafish xenotransplantation tumors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 115(11):2828-2843. DOI: 10.1002/bit.26816, Published online: 13 August 2018.
  17. Chiew GGY, Wei N, Sultania S, Lim S, Luo KQ* (2017) Bioengineered three-dimensional co-culture of cancer cells and endothelial cells: a model system for dual analysis of tumor growth and angiogenesis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114(8):1865–1877. DOI: 10.1002/bit.26297, published: 28 March 2017.
  18. Ma S, Fu A, Chiew GGY, Luo KQ* (2017) Hemodynamic shear stress stimulates migration and extravasation of tumor cells by elevating cellular oxidative level. Cancer Letters, 388:239-248. DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2016.12.001, published: 1 March 2017.
  19. Regmi S, Fu A, Luo KQ* (2017) High shear stresses under exercise condition destroy circulating tumor cells in a microfluidic system. Scientific Reports, 7:39975. DOI: 10.1038/srep39975, published on 5 January 2017.
  20. Wang Q, Wei N, Liu X, Luo KQ* (2017) Enhancement of the bioavailability of a novel anticancer compound (acetyltanshinone IIA) by encapsulation within mPEG-PLGA nanoparticles: a study of formulation optimization, toxicity, and pharmacokinetics. Oncotarget, 8(7):12013-12030. DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.14481, published: 4 January 2017.
  21. Fu A, Ma S, Wei N, Tan BXX, Tan EY, Luo KQ* (2016) High expression of MnSOD promotes survival of circulating breast cancer cells and increases their resistance to doxorubicin. Oncotarget, 7(31):50239-50257. DOI:10.18632/oncotarget.10360, published: 1 July 2016.
  22. Anand P, Fu A, Teoh SH, Luo KQ* (2015) Application of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensor for detection of drug-induced apoptosis in a 3D breast tumor model. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112(8):1673-1682, published: 15 June 2015. Selected as the spotlight of the journal.
  23. Chiew GGY, Fu A, Luo KQ* (2015) Physical supports from liver cancer cells are essential for differentiation and remodeling of endothelial cells in a HepG2-HUVEC co-culture model. Scientific Reports, 5:10801, published: 8 June 2015.
  24. Yu T, Zhou Z, Mu Y, Lopes G, Luo KQ* (2014) A novel anti-cancer agent, acetyltanshinone IIA, inhibits oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer cell growth by down-regulating the oestrogen receptor. Cancer Letters, 346(1):94-103, published: 28 April 2014.
  25. Feng C, Huang SX, Gao XM, Xu HX*, Luo KQ* (2014) Characterization of proapoptotic compounds from the bark of Garcinia oblongifolia. Journal of Natural Products, 77(5):1111-1116, published: 22 April 2014.
  26. Yu JQ, Liu XF, Chin LK, Liu AQ, Luo KQ* (2013) Study of endothelial cell apoptosis using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensor cell line with hemodynamic microfluidic chip system. Lab on a Chip, 13(14):2693-2700, published: 21 July 2013.
  27. Feng C, Zhou LY, Yu T, Xu G, Tian HL, Xu JJ, Xu HX*, Luo KQ* (2012) A new anticancer compound, Oblongifolin C, inhibits tumor growth and promotes apoptosis in HeLa cells through Bax activation. International Journal of Cancer, 131(6):1445-1454.
  28. Yu Y, Feng C, Hong Y, Liu J, Chen S, Ng KM, Luo KQ*, Tang BZ* (2011). Cytophilic fluorescent bioprobes for long-term cell tracking. Advanced Materials, 23(29):3298-3302.
  29. Chin LK, Yu JQ, Fu Y, Yu T, Liu AQ, Luo KQ* (2011) Production of reactive oxygen species in endothelial cells under different pulsatile shear stresses and glucose concentrations. Lab on a Chip, 11(11):1856-1863.
  30. Tian HL, Yu T, Xu NN, Feng C, Zhou LY, Luo HW, Chang DC, Le XF, Luo KQ* (2010) A novel compound modified from tanshinone inhibits tumor growth in vivo via activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Cancer Letters, 297(1):18-30.


Full publications list
Research Grants

01/01/2023 – 31/12/2024 PI, MOP432,000, MYRG (2022-00025-FHS) Investigate how breast cancer cells use interleukin 11 to repress natural killer cells thus achieving immune resistance.
16/07/2022 – 15/07/2025 PI, MOP8,500,000, FDCT Key Project (0004/2021/AKP). Developing personalized cancer treatment strategy based on the principle of precision medicine.
16/03/2022 – 15/03/2025 PI, MOP3,706,241 (RMB2,918,300), UM-Huafa (HF-004-2021). Preparation, identification and application of liposomal diacetyl tanshinone II A as a new drug for the treatment of drug-resistant and metastatic lung cancer.
08/06/2021 – 07/06/2024 PI, MOP2,008,000, FDCT (0147/2020/A3). Elucidate the mechanisms through which metastatic breast cancer cells and macrophages interact and co-evolve to further enhance cancer metastasis and tumor growth.
05/2021 – 31/12/2021 PI, MOP150,000, Frontier Science Center for Precision Oncology. Understanding how tumor cells survive in the circulatory system and become metastatic cancer cells.
01/01/2021 – 31/12/2023 PI, MOP200,000, MYRG (2020-00121-FHS). Establish a sensor zebrafish model and use it to study the roles of genetic factors in promoting Parkinson’s disease-related neuronal cell death.
01/03/2019 – 28/10/2021 PI, MOP1,089,960 (SGD186,000) (EF014/FHS-LQ/2018/JHS) Johns Hopkins Singapore Research Fund. Safety of liposomal ATA in large animal and efficacy against breast cancer cells resistant to tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors, and fulvestrant.
01/01/2019 – 31/12/2022 PI, MOP900,000, MYRG (2018-00092-FHS) Discovery and mechanistic study of shear stress-activated mechanosensors in increasing survival and metastasis of circulating tumor cells.
25/04/2018 – 31/12/2020 PI, MOP800,000, FHS Internal Project, generation of a sensor zebrafish for studying aging and Parkinson’s disease.
01/01/2018 – 31/12/2020 PI, MOP1,500,000, MYRG (2017-00019-FHS). Using 3D co/tri-culture systems to study liver cancer/stromal interactions and discover new anticancer agents.
28/12/2017 – 27/12/2020 PI, MOP1,631,300, FDCT (068/2017/A2). Elucidating the mechanisms of acetyltanshinone iia (ATA) in down-regulating HER2 protein in breast cancer cells.
27/03/2017 – 26/03/2020 PI, MOP1,665,300, FDCT (083/2016/A2). Exploring the therapeutic potentials of targeting antioxidant proteins for treating metastatic and doxorubicin resistant breast cancer cells.
01/05/2016 – 30/04/2019 PI, MOP250,000, University of Macau, Start-Up Research Grant (SRG2016-00068-FHS). generating transgenic zebrafish sensors for detecting toxic agents.

02/2015 – 12/2015 PI, S$683,842, Ministry of Education, Singapore, Academic Research Fund Tier 2 (MOE2014-T2-1-025). Common mechanisms promoting circulating tumour cell survival and chemoresistance.
11/2014 – 12/2015 PI, S$200,000, Ministry of Education, Singapore, Academic Research Fund Tier 1 (2014-T1-001-053). Investigating the roles of stromal and endothelial cells on tumorigenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma in 3D co/tri-culture systems.
07/2014 – 12/2015 PI, S$192,000, Johns Hopkins Singapore Research Fund, RCA-13-243-JHS. Generating an intravenous dosage form of a new anti-breast cancer agent and determining its pharmacokinetic profile and in vivo toxicity.
09/2012 – 12/2015 PI, S$657,700, National Research Foundation Competitive Research Programme (NRF-CRP8-2011-05). Pharmacological fingerprinting of selected herbal products.
12/2012 – 11/2015 PI, S$151,000, National Research Foundation-Environment and Water Industry Development Council-Incentive for Research and Innovation Scheme (NRF-EWI-IRIS) (1102-IRIS-05-02). Optofluidic system for bacterial detection and identification.
04/2013 – 09/2015 PI, S$64,000, Nanyang Technological University-National Health Group (NTU-NHG) Innovation Collaboration Grant (ICG/13008). A pilot study evaluating caspase-3 activation as a novel marker of systemic toxicity in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
02/2010 – 02/2014 PI, S$200,000, Ministry of Education, Singapore, Academic Research Fund Tier 1 (RG45/09). Discovering new anticancer drug candidates from Chinese medicinal herbs by a novel FRET-based high-throughput apoptosis assay.
12/2011 – 12/2013 PI, S$48,000, Nanyang Technological University-National Health Group (NTU-NHG) Innovation Seed Grant (ISG/11023). Evaluating the growth inhibition effect of a new anticancer agent in animal with xenografted tumor derived from breast cancer patients.
05/2011 – 04/2012 PI, S$70,000, Seed Funding from Nanyang Institute of Technology in Health and Medicine (RG47/07). Pharmacokinetic and toxicity studies of a new anti-breast cancer agent (ATA) in animal models.
05/2009 – 09/2012 PI, S$200,000, Start-up grant from SCBE of NTU.

04/2009 – 06/2011 PI, HK$3,800,000, Innovation and Technology, Commission of Hong Kong (ITF/006/08NP). Developing and manufacturing nano-structured oral dosage forms of isoflavone and insulin with improved bioavailability.
06/2008 – 05/2009 PI, HK$450,000, Research Project Competition of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (RPC-07/08.EG19). Bioassay-guided systematic fractionation of TCM for rapid discovery of new anticancer compounds.
06/2005 – 05/2009 PI, HK$77,000, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong-Direct Allocation Grants (DAG04/05.EG37), Purification and application of isoflavones from soybeans as a substitute for treating women with postmenopausal symptoms.
11/2005 – 02/2008 PI, HK$149,000, University Grants Committee of Hong Kong-Continuous Learning & Improvement through Teaching Innovation (00386E). Bring a molecular cell biology laboratory into the classroom of HKUST.
12/2006 – 05/2008 PI, HK$50,000, University Grants Committee of Hong Kong-Continuous Learning & Improvement through Teaching Innovation (00407E), Hong Kong Bioinformatics in Bioengineering: Direct Experience with Interactive Learning.

Granted Patents

  1. Luo KQ, Yu T, Luo HW, Acetyltanshinone IIA (ATA) as anticancer agent, China Patent No.: ZL 201280028087.2, granted on Feb 3, 2016.
  2. Luo KQ, Yu T, Luo HW, Acetyltanshinone IIA (ATA) as anticancer agent. US Patent No.: US 9,226,912 B2, granted on Jan. 5, 2016.
  3. Luo KQ, Yu T, Luo HW, Acetyltanshinone IIA (ATA) as anticancer agent. Singapore Patent No. 193492, granted on August 15, 2014.
  4. Ng KM, Luo Q, Zhang EJ, Harjo B, A health care product containing isoflavone aglycones and method of preparing the same. US Patent No. US 7,553,505 B2, granted on June 30, 2009.
  5. Chang DC, Luo KQ, Nucleic Acid encoding fluorescent protein constructs and methods for detecting apoptosis. US Patent US 7,354,735, granted on April 8, 2008.
  6. Chang DC, Luo Q, Intra-molecular modification of GFP (green fluorescent protein) for detecting apoptosis and specific enzyme activity in living cells. US Patent No. US 7,049,400, granted on May 23, 2006.
  7. Chang DC, Luo KQ, GFP-based methods for detecting apoptosis. PRC Patent No. ZL 02 1 20427.6, granted on May 3, 2006.


Filed Patent

  1. Luo Qian and Huang Bin, 乙酰丹参酮IIA在制备治疗肺癌的药物中的应用及治疗肺癌的药物, PRC Patent Application No., 202210189883X, filing date: March 1, 2022.
  2. Luo Qian and Huang Bin, 乙酰丹参酮IIA在制备治疗肺癌的药物中的应用及治疗肺癌的药物, PCT Application No., PCT/CN2022/117849. filing date, Sept 8, 2022.
Research Interests
  • Cancer biology: Identify driver genes that can increase cancer cells survival in circulation, metastasis and tumor growth.
  • Anti-cancer drug discovery: Discover new agents against metastatic and drug resistant cancer cells.
  • Aging research and bio-detections: Generate transgenic zebrafish for aging and toxicity study.
Professional Activities
American Society for Cell Biology since 1993

University Level:

  1. Chair of Animal Research Ethics of UM (2016-2021)
  2. University-level Academic Staff Promotion Advisory Committee 2019/2020
  3. UM Senate (2016-2018)
  4. Research Committee of UM (2016-2018)
  5. President of the Presidium of the General Assembly of the Academic Staff Association of UM (2017-2019)
  6. Ad Hoc Selection Committee for Emeritus Professor of UM (2017-2018)
  7. UM-Selection Committee for Macau Fellow (2018-present)
  8. UM-Selection Committee for Macau Science and Technology Awards 2018 (Postgraduates)
  9. Chairing PhD Oral Defenses for various faculty and academic units of UM (2018-present)
  10. Ad-hoc member of the patent review panel (2018-present)
  11. General Education Programme Review Committee (GEPRC) (2022-present)
  12. Investigation Panel for Student Affairs (2019-present)
  13. Faculty-level Academic Staff Promotion Advisory Panel of AMSV (2017)
  14. Faculty-level Academic Staff Promotion Advisory Panel of ICMS (2019-present)
  15. Equipment Committee for UM Henequin Research Center (2019-2020)

Faculty Level:

  1. Associate Head of the Department of Biomedical Sciences (2021-present)
  2. Coordinator of the UG programme (2019-2021)
  3. Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) (2016-2021)
  4. Chair of the Programme Management Committee (PMC) (2019-2021)
  5. Faculty Academic Staff Promotion Advisory Committee 2019/2020
  6. Faculty Academic Personnel Committee (2017-present)
  7. Faculty Contract Renewal Committee (2016-present)
  8. Selection Committee for Academic Faculty Recruitment (2019-present)
  9. Selection Committee for Macau Science and Technology Awards 2018 (Postgraduates)
  10. Selection Committee for UM Macau Talent Program (UMMTP) (2018-present)
  11. Selection Committee for Macau Fellow (2016-present)
  12. Chair of the Recruitment Committee for Administrative Staff (2018-present)
  13. Ad Hoc Committee for FHS Best Paper Award 2021 (18/10/2021)
  14. As a judge for the oral presentations in the 6th Symposium on Biomedical Sciences for Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Assistants 2022 in Macau (2022-present)
  15. Graduate Studies Committee (2016-present)
  16. Equipment Committee of FHS and ICMS (2016-present)
  17. Coordinator of Final Year Project (2016-2021)
  18. Postgraduate Academic Committee (2016-present)
  19. Member of the Academic Council (AC) of FHS (2016-present)
  20. Committee of Five-year Programme Review of FHS (2019-2020)
  21. Reviewed grant applications to MoE-FSCPO (2021-present)

  1. Editorial Board of Advances in Modern Oncology Research
  2. Editorial Board of AIMS Bioengineering
  3. Review Editor of Frontiers in Ethnopharmacology
  4. Editorial Board of Austin Chemical Engineering

  1. Judge for the 6th Symposium on Biomedical Sciences for Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Assistants, April 6, 2022, Macau, China
  2. Session Chair, Precision Medicine Symposium. June 26-27, 2019, Macau, China
  3. Session Chair, 6th Macau Symposium on Biomedical Sciences. June 12-13, 2019, Macau, China
  4. Session Chair, 5th Macau Symposium on Biomedical Sciences. June 8-9, 2018, Macau, China
  5. Organizing Committee, 3rd World Conference on the Pharmacology of Natural and Traditional Medicine 2015, July 22-24, Singapore
  6. Technical Program Committee (TPC) for MicroTAS 2014, October 26-30, 2014, San Antonio, Texas, USA
  7. Session Chair, 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2013), December 4-7, 2013, Singapore
  8. Coordinator of the NTU-SCBE Symposium on Drug Discovery, Drug Delivery and Regenerative Medicine at the 6th Annual BioPharma Asia Convention, March 19, 2013, Singapore
  9. Session Chair, The HKUST International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Jan 10-12, 2013, Hong Kong
  10. Organizing Committee, 2nd International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (ICCMB2), August 2010, Singapore
  11. Session Chair, International Conference on Recent Development in Chinese Herbal Medicine, January 2010, Singapore
  12. Organizing Committee, 7th International Conference of Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products, August 2008, Hong Kong
  13. Organizing Committee, 6th International Conference of Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products, August 2007, Hong Kong

  1. European Research Council Consolidator Grant
  2. Medical Research Council of UK
  3. Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Funding Scheme: GRF / ECS
  4. National Research Foundation of Singapore Competitive Research Programme
  5. Ministry of Education, Singapore, Academic Research Fund Tier 2
  6. Ministry of Education, Singapore, Academic Research Fund Tier 1
  7. Ministry of Education, Singapore, Translation and Innovation Fund
  8. Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Nanyang Technological University, and National Health Group Skin Research Grant
  9. Nanyang Technological University iFood Research Grant

Biomaterials, Biotechnology Progress, Cancer Letters, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Food and Bioprocess Technology, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Integrative Biology, International Journal of Biological Sciences, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Food Biochemistry, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Oncotarget, Phytotherapy Research, PLoS One, Separation and Purification Technology, Soft Matters.

University of Queensland in Australia, University of Sydney in Australia, National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore: >20

American Society for Cell Biology since 1993