Contact Information
Research Team
Name Position Office Phone Email
Wendong MAPhD Student (Lab Representative)E12-3038+853 8822 2534yb97633@um.edu.mo
Zhaoqiang DINGResearch AssistantE12-3038+853 8822 2534zhaoqiangding@um.edu.mo
Yifan CHANGPhD StudentE12-3038+853 8822 2534
Jiajia XUPhD StudentE12-3038+853 8822 2534
PhD Pathological Sciences, Department of Chemical Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (1996)
MSc Bioinformatics, University of Manchester, United Kingdom (2005)
BSc Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (1993)
2014 – Present Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of MacauDirector of Proteomics Core, Director of Pilot Laboratory
09/2010 – 08/2014 Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
09/2008 – 08/2010 Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
09/2004 – 08/2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
09/2002 – 08/2004 Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
10/1996 – 08/2002 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Clinical Oncology, Department of Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Interests
  1. Applications of proteomics, glycoproteomics, glycomics and metabolomics to biomarker discovery for disease diagnoses and prognoses;
  2. Development of high-throughput mass spectrometry technologies for proteomics, glycoproteomics, glycomics and metabolomics studies;
  3. Applications of bioinformatics to data mining, discovery of biomarkers, disease outcome prediction and understanding of carcinogenesis;
  4. Deciphering human proteome (Human Proteome Projects)
  5. Deciphering functional roles of alpha-fetoprotein
Representative Publications
  • Zhang P, Ang IL, Lam MMT, Wei R, Lei KMK, Zhou X, Lam HHN, He QY, and Poon TCW*. Susceptibility to false discovery in biomarker research using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry based untargeted metabolomics profiling. Clinical and Translational Medicine 11 (6): e469. 34185426, 2021. [2020 IF=11.492]
  • Ng PC, Ang IL, Chiu RW, Li K, Lam HS, Wong RPO, Chui KM, Cheung HM, Ng EWY, Sung JJY, Lo YMD, Poon TCW*. Host-response biomarkers for accurate, early diagnosis of septicemia and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm Infants. Journal of Clinical Investigation 120:2989-3000, 2010. [5yr IF=16.792]
  • Poon TCW*, Wong N, Lai PBS, Rattray M, Johnson PJ, Sung JJY. A Tumor progression model for hepatocellular carcinoma – Bioinformatic analysis of genomic data. Gastroenterology 131: 1262-1270, 2006. [Editorial by Thorgeirsson S.S. in Gastroenterology 131:1344-6, 2006. [5yr IF=23.936]
  • Hon KL.; Tsang YC.; Poon TCW.; Pong NH.; Luk NM.; Leung TN.; Chow CM.; Leung TF. Dairy and nondairy beverage consumption for childhood atopic eczema: what health advice to give? Clinical and experimental dermatology 41(2):129-37, 2016. [2020 IF=3.470]
  • Zhang Q Y, Zhou W, Yu S, Ju Y, To S K Y, Wong A S T, Jiao Y F, Poon TCW, Tam K Y, and Lee L. Metabolic reprogramming of ovarian cancer involves ACSL1-mediated metastasis stimulation through upregulated protein myristoylation. Oncogene [2020 IF=9.867]
  • Lu X, Poon TCW*, and Zhang H M. Mass production of active recombinant Chryseobacterium proteolyticum protein glutaminase in Escherichia coli using a sequential dual expression system and one-step purification. Iubmb Life [5yr IF=4.022]
  • Zhu L P, Liu J, Zhou G Y, Ng H M, Ang I L, Ma G F, Liu Y B, Yang S, Zhang F J, Miao K, Poon TCW, Zhang X J, Yuan Z, Deng C X, and Zhao Q. Targeting immune checkpoint B7-H3 antibody-chlorin e6 bioconjugates for spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging and photodynamic therapy. Chem Commun 55 (95), 14255-14258, 2019. [2020 IF=6.222]
  • Liao Q W, Gong G Y, Poon TCW, Ang I L, Lei K M K, Siu S W I, Wong C T T, Radis Baptista G, and Lee S M Y. Combined transcriptomic and proteomic analysis reveals a diversity of venom-related and toxin-like peptides expressed in the mat anemone Zoanthus natalensis (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia). Arch Toxicol 93 (6), 1745-1767, 2019. [5yr IF=6.352]
  • Zhang P W, Chan W, Ang I, Wei R, Lam M, Lei K, and Poon TCW*. Revisiting Fragmentation Reactions of Protonated alpha-Amino Acids by High-Resolution Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Collision-Induced Dissociation. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 6453, 2019. [5yr IF=5.133]
  • Zhang Q Y, Yu S, Lam M M T, Poon TCW, Sun L T, Jiao Y F, Wong A S T, and Lee L. Angiotensin II promotes ovarian cancer spheroid formation and metastasis by upregulation of lipid desaturation and suppression of endoplasmic reticulum stress. J Exp Clin Canc Res 38 (1), 116, 2019. [2020 IF=11.161]
  • Zhang P W, Chan W, Ang I L, Wei R, Lam M M T, Lei K M K, and Poon TCW*. Gas-Phase Fragmentation Reactions of Protonated Cystine using High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Molecules 24 (4), E747, 2019. [5yr IF=4.587]
  • Liu Y, Yang E J, Zhang B Y, Miao Z Q, Wu C J, Lyu J F, Tan K, Poon T C W, and Shim J S. PTEN deficiency confers colorectal cancer cell resistance to dual inhibitors of FLT3 and aurora kinase A. Cancer Lett 436, 28-37, 2018. [2020 IF=8.679]
  • Li D-Z, Han B N, Wei R, Yao G Y, Chen Z Z, Liu J, Poon TCW, Su W, Zhu Z Y, Dimitrov D, and Zhao Q. N-terminal alpha-amino group modification of antibodies using a site-selective click chemistry method. Mabs-Austin 10 (5), 712–719, 2018. [5yr IF=6.015]
  • Yip C W, Lam C Y, Poon TCW, Cheung T T, Cheung P, Fung S W, Wang X Q, Leung I, Ng L, Lo C M, Tsao G, and Cheung S T. Granulin-epithelin precursor interacts with 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein in hepatocellular carcinoma. Bmc Cancer 17 (1), 409, 2017. [2020 IF=4.430]
  • He M.; Qin H.; Poon TCW.; Sze SC.; Ding X.; Co NN.; Ngai SM.; Chan TF.; Wong N. Hepatocellular carcinoma-derived exosomes promote motility of immortalized hepatocyte through transfer of oncogenic proteins and RNAs. Carcinogenesis bgv; 081, 2015. [5yr IF=5.410]
  • Chaiyarit S, Singhto N, Chen YJ, Cheng CY, Chiangjong W, Kanlaya R, Lam HH, Peerapen P, Sung TY, Tipthara P, Pandey A, Poon TCW, Chen YJ, Sirdeshmukh R, Chung MC, Thongboonkerd V. Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP): Chromosome 12. Journal of Proteome Research. 13(7):3160-5, 2014. [2020 IF=4.466]
  • Ng EWY, Wong MYM, Poon TCW*. Advances in MALDI mass spectrometry in clinical diagnostic applications. Topics in Current Chemistry 336:139-75, 2014. [Review] [5yr IF=9.357]
  • Ng EWY, Poon TCW, Lam HS, Cheung HM, Ma TPY, Chan KYY, Wong RPO, Leung KT, Lam MMT, Li K, Ng PC. Gut Associated Biomarkers L-FABP, I-FABP, TFF3 and LIT score for Diagnosis of Surgical Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants. Annals of Surgery 258(6):1111-8, 2013. [2020 IF=12.969]
  • Kam RKT, Poon TCW*, Chan HLY, Wong N, Hui AY, Sung JJY. High-throughput quantitative profiling of serum N-glycome by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and N-glycomic fingerprint of liver fibrosis. Clinical Chemistry 53: 1254-63, 2007. [5yr IF=9.137]
  • Poon TCW, Sung JJY, Chow SM, Ng EKW, Yu ACW, Chu ESH, Hui AAY, Leung WK. Diagnosis of gastric cancer by serum proteomic fingerprinting. Gastroenterology 130: 1858-1864, 2006 [Editorial by Kawada N. in Gastroenterology 130:1917-9, 2006. [5yr IF=23.936]
  • Ang IL, Poon TCW*, Lai PBS, Chan ATC, Ngai SM, Hui AY, Johnson PJ, Sung JJY. Study of serum haptoglobin and its glycoforms in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma – a glycoproteomic approach. Journal of Proteome Research 5: 2691-2700, 2006. [2020 IF=4.466]
  • Poon TCW*, Hui AY, Chan HLY, Ang IL, Chow SM, Wong N, Sung JJY. Prediction of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B infection by serum proteomic fingerprinting: a pilot study. Clinical Chemistry 51: 328-335, 2005. [5yr IF=9.137]
  • Poon TCW*, Chan KCA, Ng PC, Chiu RWK, Ang IL, Tong YK, Ng EKO, Cheng FWT, Li AM, Hon EKL, Fok TF, Lo YMD. Serial Analysis of Plasma Proteomic Signatures in Pediatric Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Correlation with Viral Load. Clinical Chemistry 50: 1452-1455. 2004. [5yr IF=9.137]
  • Poon TCW, Yip TT, Chan ATC, Yip C, Yip V, Mok TSK, Leung TWT, Ho S, Johnson PJ. Comprehensive proteomic profiling identifies serum proteomic signatures for detection of hepatocellular carcinoma and its subtypes. Clinical Chemistry 49: 752-760, 2003. [5yr IF=9.137]
  • Poon TCW, Mok TSK, Chan ATC, Chan CML, Leung V, Tsui STH, Leung TWT, Wong HTM, Ho SKW, Johnson PJ. Quantification and utility of monosialylated alpha-fetoprotein in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma with nondiagnostic serum total a-fetoprotein. Clinical Chemistry 48: 1021 –1027. 2002. [5yr IF=9.137]
  • Poon TCW, Chan ATC, Zee B, Ho SKW, Mok TSK, Leung TWT, Johnson PJ. Application of classification tree and neural network algorithm to the identification of serological liver marker profiles in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncology 61: 275-283. 2001[5yr IF=3.006]
  • Poon TCW, Johnson PJ. Proteome analysis and its impact on the discovery of serological tumor markers. Clinica Chimica Acta 313: 231-239. 2001. [Review] [2020 IF=3.786]
  • Johnson PJ, Poon TCW, Hjelm NM, Ho CS, Blake C, Ho SKW. Structures of disease-specific serum alpha-fetoprotein. British Journal of Cancer 83: 1330-1337. 2000. [2020 IF=7.640]

*: Corresponding Author

Research Grants
In Capacity of Principal Investigator (8 competitive grants, total of MOP$8.0 million):
2019 – 2021 An Innovative Method for Protein Sequence Analysis and PTM Characterization with 100% Sequence Coverage. The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Macau Government. 0102/2018/A3. Amount: MOP$1,506,000
2015 – 2018 Development of novel plasma metabolomic fingerprinting method for disease diagnoses using high-resolution mass spectrometry and unidentified tandem mass spectral libraries. Multi-Year Research Grant. MYRG2015-00233-FHS. Amount: MOP$1,636,260
2013 – 2015 Investigation of Clinical Utilities of Gut Barrier Proteins in Diagnosis of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Preterm Infants. Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government. Project code: 01120296. Amount: HK$984,528
2013 – 2015 Development of a Sensitive Multiple Parallel Fragmentation Monitoring Assay for Quantitative Profiling of Plasma/Serum Amino Acids by MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometry. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council, CUHK 403413. Amount: HK$310,556
2010 – 2012 Identification of circulating antigens in patients with Helicobacter Pylori infection. Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases (RFCID, investigator-initiated projects), Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government. Project code: 10090612. Amount: HK$978,648
2009 – 2011 Development of a glycan-based blood test for diagnosis of hepatitis B virus-associated liver cancer. Innovation Technology Support Fund (ITF, Tier 3), Innovation and Technology Commission. Hong Kong. ITS/300/09. Amount:HK$0.993M
2007 – 2009 Serum N-Glycan Profiling for Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis B. Earmarked Grant, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, CUHK 4732/07M. Amount: HK$781,319
2006 – 2008 Identification of liver cirrhosis-specific glycoforms of serum proteins from patients with chronic hepatitis B infection by differential lectin affinity chromatography and quantitative proteomic profiling, Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases (RFCID, investigator-initiated projects), Health, Welware and Food Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government. Project code: 04050392. Amount: $694,680
2004 – 2006 Proteomic profiling in SARS: diagnosis and prognostic applications. Research Fund for Control of Infectious Disease (RFCID, commissioned project). Project code: CUHK-BS-005. Amount: $900,000
2006 – 2007 Non-invasive diagnosis of liver cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B patients by serum total glycosylation profiling. Research Fund for Control of Infectious Disease (RFCID, commissioned project). Project code: CUHK-BS-016. $100,000
2003 – 2005 Identification of Tumor-Specific Glycoforms of Serum Proteins from Patients with Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Differential Lectin Affinity Chromatography and Quantitative Proteomic Profiling. Earmarked Grant, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, CUHK 4466/03M. Amount: HK$624,000
In Capacity of Co-Investigator (12 competitive grants, total of MOP$24 million):
2013 – 2015 Revealing roles of the CAMSAP1L1 gene in symptomatic epilepsy. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Project code: CUHK 460313. Amount: HK$692,826
2012 – 2015 Interaction of influenza A virus nucleoproteins with the C-terminal region of RNA polymerase PB2 subunit. General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Project code: 473111. Amount: HK$ 1,546,000
2011 – 2014 Centre for MicroRNA Study – Basic Research and Clinical Potentials in Cancer, CUHK8/CRF/11R, HK$4,253,000
2008 – 2011 Centre for MicroRNA Study – Basic Research and Clinical Potentials in Cancer, CUHK4/CRF/08. Amount: HK$5.7M
2007 – 2009 Role of Small Non-Coding miR-221 and miR-222 in the Oncogenesis of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong Research Grant Council. Amount: HK$645,500
2005 – 2007 Proteomic Profiling of Liver Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis B. Earmarked Grant, Hong Kong Research Grant Council. Amount: HK$718,957
2006 – 2008 Function Characterization of PFKT1 in the Cellular Invasion of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Earmarked Grant, Hong Kong Research Grant Council. Amount: HK$1,289,914
2005 – 2008 Research Into Integrative Medical Sciences. Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences Grant. Project code 6901955. HK$2,500,000
2003 – 2006 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Research Group: Clinical Applications of Functional Genomics. Central Allocation Grant, Research Grant Council. Amount: HK$4,000,000
2002 – 2004 Studies on Markers of Tumor Hypoxia in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Hong Kong Research Grant Council, CUHK 4093/02M. Amount: HK$ 1,240,000
2002 – 2003 Tumor Markers for Prediction of Treatment Response to Gemcitabine-Based Regimens: A Search by Quantitative Proteomics. Eli Lilly. Gemzar Grant Award. Amount: US$50,000
2001 – 2003 Studies on Anti-tumour Effect of M225, a Monoclonal Anti-epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Antibody, on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Hong Kong Research Grant Council, CUHK 4039/01M. Amount: HK$699,600
2019 Third Prize, 2019 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship 2019 (2019中銀盃百萬獎金澳門區創業大賽), Bank of China, University of Macau, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 24 April 2019; Project: “Next Generation Protein Analytical Products and Services for Clinical and Research Markets”
2019 Elevator Speech Award, 2019 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship 2019 (2019中銀盃百萬獎金澳門區創業大賽), Bank of China, University of Macau, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 24 April 2019; Project: “Next Generation Protein Analytical Products and Services for Clinical and Research Markets”
2018 Silver Award, “The 1st IEEAC International Youth Entrepreneurship Competition (第一屆“京津冀-粵港澳”(國際)青年創新創業 大賽全國總決賽”), IEEAC (The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of China, 中國高校創新創業教育聯盟), 14 October 2018; Project: “Next Generation Protein Analytical Products and Services for Clinical and Research Markets”
2018 Fosun (復星) Protechting Award at the ‘Parafuturo de Macao’ (“澳中致遠”) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, 15 May 2018; Project: “Next Generation Protein Analytical Products and Services for Clinical and Research Markets”
2018 IEEAC Award (The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of China, 中國高校創新創業教育聯盟) at the ‘Parafuturo de Macao’ (“澳中致遠”) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (15 May 2018); Project: “Next Generation Protein Analytical Products and Services for Clinical and Research Markets”
2009 Young Investigator Award, Asian Pacific Association for the Study of Liver (APASL)
2007 The Most Promising Young Researcher Award, Health Research Symposium 2007, Food and Health Bureau, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2007 Research Excellence Award 2006/2007, Chinese University of Hong Kong
2006 Outstanding Research Project 2005/2006, “Diagnosis of gastric cancer by serum proteomic fingerprinting”, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1998 Outstanding Oral Presentation in Second Hong Kong Conference of Clinical Chemistry, Hong Kong Society of Clinical Chemistry
1993 Laird Memorial Scholarship 92/93. Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1992 Him Lee Scholarhip 91/92, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1991 Outstanding Academic Performance Certificate 90/91, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
1990 Outstanding Academic Performance Certificate 89/90, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professional Activities
  • Council member, Human Proteome Organization (since 2007)
  • Secretary General, Asia and Oceania Human Proteome Organization (since 2014)
  • Council member, Asia and Oceania Human Proteome Organization (since 2007)
  • Hong Kong Representative, International Mass Spectrometry Foundation (2010-2014)
  • Treasurer, Hong Kong Proteomics Society (since 2011)
  • Vice-President, Hong Kong Proteomics Society (2006-2011)
  • President, Hong Kong Society of Mass Spectrometry (2010-2014)
  • Vice-President, Hong Kong Society of Mass Spectrometry (2008-2010)
  • Council member, Hong Kong Society of Mass Spectrometry (since 2004)
  • Panel member, Physical Science Panel, Research Grant Committee, The University Grants Committee, Hong Kong (2012 – 2015)
  • Grant Review Board member, Health and Medical Research Fund, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong (2012 – 2014)
  • Grant Review Board member, Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong (2011 – 2012)
  • Member, Planning Committee, Research Laboratory, Hong Kong Children Hospital, Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong (2010 – 2014)
Community Services
  • Associate Editor, “Clinical Proteomics” (since 2020)
  • Executive Advisory Board of “Proteomics” (since 2007)
  • Executive Advisory Board of “Proteomics – Clinical Proteomics” (since 2007)
  • Editorial Board of “Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics” (since 2009)
  • Guest Editor of “BioMed Research International” (2013)
  • Guest Editor of “Topics in Current Chemistry” (2012)