Contact Information
Research Team
Name Position Office Phone Email
Dr Changhuo XUResearch Assistant ProfessorN22-2027+853 8822 4217changhuoxu@um.edu.mo
Yumeng SHAOResearch AssistantE12-2036+853 8822 4217yumengshao@um.edu.mo
Jiayue CAOResearch AssistantN22-2027+853 8822 4217jiayuecao@um.edu.mo
Haoran CHENPhD Student
Soichan LEIPhD StudentN22-2027+853 8822 4217
Jia YUPhD Student
Zhiming ZHANGPhD StudentN22-2027+853 8822 4217
Ke LUPhD StudentN22-2027+853 8822 4217
Yiling HUPhD StudentN22-2027+853 8822 4217
Qingqing ZHOUPhD Student
Xiaoxia CHENPhD StudentN22-2027+853 8822 4217
Moxin LIPhD Student
Chon CHEANGPhD Student
PhD Graduate Institute of Photonics & Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (2004)
BEng Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University (1999)
08/2016 – Present Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau
08/2013 – 07/2016 Associate Professor, Inst. of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University
02/2012 – 12/2012 Visiting Scientist, Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
08/2009 – 07/2013 Assistant Professor, Inst. of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University
01/2005 – 07/2009 Postdoctoral Researcher, Grad. Inst. of Photonics & Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
Research Interests
We are biomedical optics lab using lasers for the observation of cells in vivo, the sensing of metabolic molecules, the diagnosis of diseases, and the development of medical devices. For the observation, we integrated home-build femtosecond lasers, scanning electronics, and microscopes into an in vivo microscopy system. On this platform, we studied embryonic development, tumor microenvironment, pharmacokinetics of nanomedicines, and in vivo cytometry of leukocytes. For the tracking of cells or drug delivery, we developed multiphoton contrast agents with nanomaterials like Si quantum dots, gold nanorod-in-shell, insulin-gold nanodot, iron oxide, and iron-platinum alloy. Exploiting the laser excited autofluorescence of metabolic molecules, we are developing spectroscopic methods for disease diagnosis. Through the discovery of characteristic optical properties in biomedical context, we aim to develop medical devices to solve the unmet clinical needs.
Representative Publications
  1. Li, Y. He, K. Miao, Y. Zheng, C. Deng, and T.-M. Liu*, Theranostics 10, 2897-2917 (2020). 
  2. C.-W. Lee, P.-C. Wu, I-L. Hsu, T.-M. Liu,* W.-H. Chong, C.-H. Wu, T.-Y. Hsieh, L.-Z. Guo, Y. Tsao, P.-T. Wu, J. Yu, P.-J. Tsai, H.-S. Huang, Y.-C. Chuang, and C.-C. Huang*, Small 15, 1805086 (2019). 
  3. T.-M. Liu*, J. Conde*, T. Lipiński, A. Bednarkiewicz, C.-C. Huang*, Progress in Materials Science 88, 89-135 (2017). 
  4. C.-H. Wu, T.-D. Wang*, C.-H. Hsieh, S.-H. Huang, J.-W. Lin, S.-C. Hsu, H.-T. Wu, Y.-M. Wu*, and T.-M. Liu*, Scientific Reports 6, 37210 (2016). 
  5. T.-M. Liu*, J. Conde*, T. Lipiński, A. Bednarkiewicz, C.-C. Huang*, NPG Asia Materials 8, e295 (2016). 
  6. S.-W. Chou, C.-L. Liu, T.-M. Liu*, Y.-F. Shen, L.-C. Kuo, C.-H. Wu, T.-Y. Hsieh, P.-C. Wu, M.-R. Tsai, C.-C. Yang, K.-Y. Chang, M.-H. Lu, P.-C. Li, S.-P. Cheng, Y.-H. Wang, C.-W. Lu, Y.-A. Chen, C.-C. Huang, C.-R. Chris Wang, J.-K. Hsiao,* M.-L. Li*, and P.-T. Chou*, Biomaterials 85, 54-64 (2016). 
  7. C.-C. Huang* and T.-M. Liu, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 25259-25269 (2015). 
  8. Y.-F. Shen, M.-R. Tsai, S.-C. Chen, Y.-S. Leung, C.-T. Hsieh, Y.-S. Chen, F.-L. Huang, R. P. Obena, M. M. L. Zulueta, H.-Y. Huang, W.-J. Lee, K.-C. Tang, C.-T. Kung, M.-H. Chen, D.-B. Shieh, Y.-J. Chen, T.-M. Liu*, P.-T. Chou*, and C.-K. Sun*, Analytical Chemistry 87, 7575-7582 (2015). 
  9. C.-L. Liu, T.-M. Liu*, T.-Y. Hsieh, H.-W. Liu, Y.-S. Chen, C.-K. Tsai, H.-C. Chen, J.-W. Lin, R.-B. Hsu, T.-D. Wang, C.-C. Chen, C.-K. Sun, and P.-T. Chou*, Small 9, 2103-2110 (2013). 
  10. M.-Y. Liao, C.-H. Wu, P.-S. Lai, J. Yu, H.-P. Lin, T.-M. Liu*, and C.-C. Huang,* Advanced Functional Materials 23, 2044-2051 (2013). 
  11. C.-Y. Lin, T.-M. Liu, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-L. Huang, W.-K. Huang, C.-K. Sun, F.-H. Chang*, and W.-L. Lin*, Journal of Controlled Release 146, 291-298 (2010). 
  12. K.-W. Hu, T.-M. Liu, K.-Y. Chung, K.-S. Huang, C.-T. Hsieh, C.-K. Sun, and C.-S. Yeh*, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 14186-14187 (2009). 
  13. S.-P. Tai, Y. Wu, D.-B. Shieh, L.-J. Chen, K.-J. Lin, C.-H. Yu, S.-W. Chu, C.-H. Chang, X.-Y. Shi, Y.-C. Wen, K.-H. Lin, T.-M. Liu, and C.-K. Sun*, Advanced Materials 19. 4520-4523 (2007). 

Book Chapter

Y. Li, C.-W. Lee, Y.-C. Wang, C.-C. Huang, T.-M. Liu, “Single and Multiphoton Responsive Nanomaterials for the Investigation of Cancer Microenvironment,” Ch3 in Handbook of Nanomaterials for Cancer Theranostics, 1st Ed., Elsevier 2018.

Full publications list
Research Grants
Project Period Title Funding Agent Role
08/15/2017 – 08/14/2020 Investigating the dynamics of melanoma angiogenesis with multiphoton in vivo microscopy
Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) PI
03/27/2017 – 03/26/2020 Metabolic imaging of macrophages in a bleeding micro-environment
Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) PI
08/01/2015 – 07/31/2016 Biotechnology and Medical Device Translation and Training Program -ANCHOR UNIVERSITY (NTU)
Ministry of Science and Technology Co-PI
08/01/2015 – 07/31/2016 Investigating the Combination of Focused Ultrasound and NanopDNA(IP-10) for Cancer Tumor Ultrasono-Immunotherapy
Ministry of Science and Technology Co-PI
08/01/2015 – 07/31/2016 Development of micro-optics integrated microfluidic system for high-speed singe cell image and analysis
NSC 104-2221-E-002-111
Ministry of Science and Technology Co-PI
08/01/2015 – 07/31/2016 The opportunity, challenges and strategies for the development of mobile and personalized healthcare service in Taiwan (1/3)
NSC 104-2627-M-002-018
Ministry of Science and Technology Co-PI
03/31/2015 – 07/31/2016 Laser scanned microscopy system Revlis Biotech Company PI
01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015 2015 Education Program for Biomedical Innovation and Commercialization Ministry of Education PI
01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015 Using in vivo nonlinear optical microscopy and animal model to study the dynamic change of cancer stem cells during vemurafenib treatment of melanoma
National Taiwan University Hospital PI
01/01/2015 – 07/31/2016 Studying dynamic mechanisms of tumor angiogenesis with in vivo nonlinear optical microscopy
National Health Research Institutes PI
01/01/2014 – 12/31/2014 2014 Education Program for Biomedical Innovation and Commercialization Ministry of Education PI
01/01/2014 – 12/31/2014 Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Densitometry for the Assessment of Human Hepatic Function in vivo
National Taiwan University Hospital PI
08/01/2013 – 07/31/2016 In vivo Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Nonlinear Optical Microscopy
Ministry of Science and Technology PI
08/01/2013 – 07/31/2015 Data Acquisition System for Laser Scanned Microscopy Wisdom Consulting PI
01/01/2013 – 12/31/2013 Prediction System of Schizophrenia with Cloud Computation
National Taiwan University Hospital PI
08/01/2012 – 07/31/2014 Exploring the molecular mechanisms underlying the intriguing “proatherogenic” and “dysmetabolic” properties of epicardial adipose tissue: applying the novel harmonics-based in vivo optical virtual biopsy system and the fluorescence insulin-Au nanodots
NSC 101-2314-B-002-192-MY2
Ministry of Science and Technology Co-PI
08/01/2012 – 07/31/2015 In vivo Blood Cell Cytometry and Plasma Molecule Quantification with Nonlinear Optical Microscopy
Ministry of Education PI
02/01/2012 – 12/31/2012 In vivo cell tracking with harmonic generation microscopy
NSC 101-2918-I-002-022
Ministry of Science and Technology PI
08/01/2011 – 07/31/2012

Studies on Mitochondrial Dynamics in a Mouse Model for Neurodegenerative Disease
NSC 100-2320-B-002-093

Ministry of Science and Technology Co-PI
08/01/2010 – 07/31/2013 Nano-acoustics and nano-ultrasonics
NSC 99-2120-M-002 -013
NSC 100-2120-M-002-009
NSC 101-2120-M-002-005
Ministry of Science and Technology Co-PI
08/01/2010 – 07/31/2011 Studying pharmacokinetics of nanomedicines by the gold nanorod-in-shell nanoparticles with harmonic generation microscopy
Ministry of Education PI
08/01/2010 – 07/31/2013 Microscopic pharmacokinetics of nanomedicines revealed by in vivo nonlinear optical microscopy
NSC 99-2628-E-002-009

NSC 100-2628-E-002-006

NSC 101-2628-E-002-004

Ministry of Science and Technology PI
08/01/2009 – 07/31/2010 Optical indices for the screening of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with nonlinear optical microscopy and two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)
Ministry of Education Co-PI
11/01/2009 – 07/31/2010 Probing the metabolic status of cells based on the fluorescence lifetime and intensity of endogenous porphyrins
NSC 98-2112-M-002-022
Ministry of Science and Technology PI
09/2013 USA patent US 8,524,445 B2 Detect and Identify Virus by the Microwave Absorption Spectroscopy
05/2004 USA patent US 6,734,976 B2 Method and System for Measuring an Ultrashort Optical Pulse
09/2018 Silver prize in 2018 Guangdong Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition (2018 廣東“眾創杯”創業創新大賽)
08/2018 Third Prize of 6th Jiangsu Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Competition (第六屆“創業江蘇”科技創業大賽)
07/2018 Second Prize of Greater Bay Area (Macau) Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition” (大灣區(澳門)青年創新創業大賽)
2015 Potential Startup Awards (Awarded 0.55 million NT$)
Ministry of Science & Technology, Taiwan
2014 Outstanding Startup Awards (Awarded 2 million NT$)
Ministry of Science & Technology, Taiwan
Professional Activities
Society memberships
2010 – Present Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)
2005 – Present Member, International Society for Optics and  Photonics (SPIE)
2002 – Present Senior Member, Optical Society of America (OSA)
2001 – Present Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Society service
2017 – Present Topical Editor, Chinese Optics Letter
2017 – Present Topical Editor, Scientific Reports

Teaching experience

Corner stone courses

  • Optical microscopy
  • Laser principles and engineering
  • Fundamentals of optics

Capstone courses

  • Clinical observation & finding unmet needs
  • Medical innovation with electronics
  • Biomedical innovation & commercialization (Incubate 1 startups and train 48 innovation teams)
  • Quality system of medical devices
Administrative leadership & committee service
2014 – 2016 Co-coach, Medical Device Innovation in NTU SPARK
2014 – 2016 Deputy Director, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Program
2013 – 2014 Member , Campus Planning Committee
2011 – 2016 Section Chief, International Collaboration, Molecular Imaging Center
2009 – 2011 Director, Student Activity Division, Office of Student Affairs