
2021 / 2022學年哲學博士(生物醫藥)課程現正招生

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1.   哲學博士學位(生物醫藥)課程簡介


2.  研究課題
鄧初夏教授(1) Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
(2) Stem cells, cancer metastasis and drug development
葛偉教授(1) Genetic analysis of growth and reproduction in the zebrafish model
(2) Impacts of environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on reproduction and public health
(3) Zebrafish as a model for aging, human diseases and drug discover
沈漢明教授(1) Autophagy: regulatory mechanisms and biological functions in cancer
(2) Mitophagy: novel regulatory mechanisms
(3) Cancer metabolism: targeting glucose metabolism in lung cancer
(1) Metabolic regulation in stem cell maintenance and differentiation
(2) Novel mechanisms involved in cardiomyocyte differentiation and maturation
(3) Skin cell differentiation for regenerative medicine
(4) Endoderm differentiation for disease model
張仲榮教授(1) Mechanism of gene regulation in cancer
(2) Single cell analysis
羅茜教授(1) Circulating tumor cells and cancer metastasis
(2) Drug resistant and anti-cancer drug discovery
王山鳴教授Cancer genetic, hereditery breast cancer, genomics, bioinformatics
黃值富教授Bioinformatics and computational biology of aging related neurodegenerative diseases
項玉濤教授(1) Psychiatric epidemiology
(2) Health services research in psychiatry
(3) Evidence-based medicine in psychiatry
(4) COVID-19 related studies in psychiatry
(5) Cognition and psychiatric disorders
徐仁和教授Mesenchymal stem cells: the development, heterogeneity, and assimilationPhD-adm_RHX
張曉華教授(1) Digital medical research and data analysis
(2) Data mining for biomedical research
(3) Development of analytic software for high-throughput biomedical data
鄭文華教授Foxo and neuronal differentiation or new drugs development like artemisinin and metformin
周昶行教授Structure and function of epigenetic regulatorsPhD-adm_WC
狄利俊教授(1) Remodeling of transcriptional program in cancer development by both endogenous and exogenous factors via regulating CtBP status
(2) Molecular mechanism of cancer metastasis
(3) Investigating the molecular mechanisms and identifying the potential therapeutic targets of obesity and related disease
郭珩輝教授(1) Antibody / venom-based peptide targeted therapy for anti-cancer prototype drug discovery & development
(2) Biomarkers identification and validation based on the hallmarks of cancer
李剛教授(1) Epigenetic mechanisms of tumorigenesis
(2) Signal transduction pathways in epigenetics
劉子銘教授(1) In vivo microscopy and spectroscopy of tumor microenvironment
(2) Develop serum fluoroscope for the diagnosis of organ function
潘全威教授(1) Proteomics/protein/biomarker-based research in precision medicine
(2) Bioinformatics-based research in precision medicine
Exploiting synthetic lethality for cancer target discovery
譚建業教授(1) Development of small molecule inhibitors targeting cancer metabolism or Alzheimer’s disease
(2) Combined use of metabolic inhibitors in lung cancer models
(3) Chemical optimizations of small molecule inhibitors
黃冠豪教授Transcription regulation of fungal metabolism and infection.
謝瑞瑜教授(1) Epigenetic regulation underlying cell fate determination
(2) Molecular switches in endodermal lineage specification
(3) Molecular mechanisms regulating proliferation and differentiation in the pancreas
徐曉玲教授BRCA1 associated breast cancer and cancer metastasis
袁振教授(1) Neuroscience and neuroimaging
(2) Biomedical optics
(3) Optical molecular imaging and cancer nanomedicine
張宣軍教授(1) Fluorescent and photoacoustic probes for bioimaging/sensing
(2) Nanoreactors for biomedical applications
曾華鑫教授(1) How cells polarize during cell migration, with a focus on the cytoskeleton and nuclear envelope proteins
(2) How aging affects cell polarization and how cell polarization contributes to aging defects
(3) Characterize candidate aging factors and decipher their modes of action
代雲路教授(1) Cancer nanomedicine
(2) Molecular imaging
(3) Drug delivery
李子安教授(1) Small RNA-dendrimer in modulating the receptors in renin-angiotensin system to suppress cancer development and metastasis
(2) Proteomic and metabolic analyses of EPAC signaling in ovarian cancer
邵寧一教授Cardiomyocytes differentiation across species
王雅凡教授Mechanism of gene regulation by NFkappaB and co-factors
張紅杰教授(1) System-intrinsic sphingolipid homeostatic network regulation
(2) Molecular mechanisms of tubular organ morphogenesis
趙琦教授(1) Nanomedicine and target drug delivery
(2) Directed evolution of synthetic proteins and molecules
(3) Neutralizing antibodies against infections
鄭軍教授(1) Type VI secretion system in pathogenic bacteria
(2) Development next generation antibiotics
(3) Bacterial persistence
3.   報名須知


推免招生 適合持有具推免資格的內地院校學士學位學生報讀
普通招生 適合持有相關碩士學位學生報讀
直接讀博 適合持有相關學士學位學生報讀
  • 倘申請人所獲學士/碩士學位之教學語言是英語,申請人須提交由所屬大學提供之英語授課證明。
  • 倘申請人所獲學士/碩士學位之教學語言不是英語,申請人須提交以下任何一種英語能力證明:
    • 托福(TOEFL)書面考試550分/網上考試80分或以上或,
    • 雅思考試(IELTS)總成績0分或以上,且各單項成績不低於5.5分或,
    • 國家大學英語六級考試(CET6)成績430分或以上。


4.  2021/2022學年報讀申請日期
推免招生 2020年6月15日至8月13日(第一期)


普通招生/直接讀博 2020年8月3日至10月29日(第一期)


5.  博士生資助
澳大濠江博士生獎學金 獲頒此獎學金之博士研究生獲每月澳門元20,000的津貼,及每學年最多澳門元10,000的會議或研究活動交通津貼,為期最長四年。
博士生助學金 獲得博士生助學金之學生可獲每月澳門元12,500元(最高可達澳門元14,000)的津貼。


6.  住宿



電郵: FHS.Student@um.edu.mo

電話: (853) 8822 4296 / 8822 4966

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