Contact Information
Research Team
Name Position Office Phone Email
Dr Heng SUNResearch Assistant Professor (Lab Representative)N22-3067, 4031+853 8822 8803hengsun@um.edu.mo
Dr Fangyuan SHAOResearch Assistant ProfessorN22-4034+853 8822 2903fangyuanshao@um.edu.mo
Dr Haiyan ZHANGResearch Assistant ProfessorN22-4034+853 8822 2903haiyanzhang@um.edu.mo
Dr Ping CHENResearch Assistant ProfessorN22-4032+853 8822 4257pingchen@umac.mo
Haipeng LEIPost-doctoral FellowN22-4034+853 8822 2903haipenglei@um.edu.mo
Xiang PANPost-doctoral FellowN22-4034+853 8822 2903xiangpan@um.edu.mo
Min DENGResearch AssistantN22-4007+853 8822 2911mindeng@um.edu.mo
Xinyi LIResearch AssistantN22-4034+853 8822 2903xinyili@um.edu.mo
Rongjie ZHANGResearch AssistantE12-1023+853 62105193rongjiezhang@um.edu.mo
Jianming ZENGPhD StudentN22-4034+853 8822 2903
Licen LIPhD StudentN22-4032+853 8822 4257
Yanwei SUNPhD StudentN22-4031+853 8822 4254
Ling LIPhD StudentN22-4031+853 8822 4254
Dongyang TANGPhD StudentN22-4032+853 8822 4257
Shiqi LINPhD StudentN22-4034+853 8822 2903
Di ZHANGPhD Student
Jie LIPhD StudentN22-4034+853 8822 2903
Xuhong LIUPhD StudentN22-4032+853 8822 4257
Lin HEPhD StudentN22-4031+853 8822 4254
Zepeng XUPhD Student
Xinyu GUOPhD Student
Xiangpeng CHUPhD Student
Yanjun LIUPhD Student
Yunfeng QIAOPhD Student
Wanchao ZHONGPhD Student
Yumeng WUPhD Student
Xiaoran WUPhD Student
Yuxuan LUOPhD Student
Hanghang LIPhD Student
PhD Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (1992)
MSc Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, Wuhan, China (1984)
BSc Department of Biology, West China Normal University, Nanchong, China (1982)
12/2014 – Present Faculty Dean / Chair Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau
03/2000 – 11/2014 Senior Investigator, Senior Biomedical Research Service (SBRS)
Chief, Mammalian Genetics Section, National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA
05/1995 – 03/2000 Investigator (Tenure-Track), Laboratory of Biochemistry and
Metabolism, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
07/1992 – 05/1995 Associate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Fellow, Genetics Department, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
09/1986 – 07/1992 Dept. of Biology, University of Utah, SLC, UT, USA
09/1984 – 09/1986 Assistant Investigator, Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, Wuhan, China
Research Interests
Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, Sirtuins; Cancer, Metabolic diseases; Aging; Stem cells, Cancer metastasis, Drug development, Cell cycle, Bioinformatics, Genome stability, Development, Gene targeting
Representative Publications
30 representative publications

  1. DENG Chuxia, and Capecchi, M. R. (1992) Reexamination of Gene Targeting Frequency as a Function of the Extent of Homology between the Targeting Vector and the Target Locus. Mol Cell Biol 12 (8), 3365-3371 PMID: 1321331
  2. DENG Chuxia, Zhang, P., Harper, J. W., Elledge, S. J., and Leder, P. (1995) Mice Lacking P21 CIP1/WAF1 Undergo Normal Development, but Are Defective in G1 Checkpoint Control. Cell 82 (4), 675-684 PMID: 7664346
  3. DENG Chuxia, Wynshaw-Boris, A., Zhou, F., Kuo, A., and Leder, P. (1996) Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 is a Negative Regulator of Bone Growth. Cell 84 (6), 911-921 PMID: 8601314
  4. Xu, X., Weaver, Z., Linke, S. P., Li, C., Gotay, J., Wang, X. W., Harris, C. C., Ried, T., and DENG Chuxia. (1999) Centrosome Amplification and a Defective G2-M Cell Cycle Checkpoint Induce Genetic Instability in BRCA1 Exon 11 Isoform-Deficient Cells. Mol Cell 3 (3), 389-395 PMID: 10198641
  5. Xu, X., Wagner, K. U., Larson, D., Weaver, Z., Li, C., Ried, T., Hennighausen, L., Wynshaw-Boris, A., and DENG Chuxia. (1999) Conditional Mutation of Brca1 in Mammary Epithelial Cells Results in Blunted Ductal Morphogenesis and Tumour Formation. Nat Genet 22 (1), 37-43 PMID: 10319859
  6. Xu, X., Qiao, W., Linke, S. P., Cao, L., Li, W. M., Furth, P. A., Harris, C. C., and DENG Chuxia. (2001) Genetic Interactions between Tumor Suppressors Brca1 and P53 in Apoptosis, Cell Cycle and Tumorigenesis. Nat Genet 28 (3), 266-271 PMID: 11431698
  7. Tang, Y., Katuri, V., Dillner, A., Mishra, B.*, DENG Chuxia.* (*Corresponding authors), and Mishra, L.* (*Corresponding authors) (2003) Disruption of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Signaling in ELF Beta-Spectrin-Deficient Mice. Science 299 (5606), 574-577 PMID: 12543979
  8. Cao, L., Li, W., Kim, S., Brodie, S. G., and DENG Chuxia. (2003) Senescence, Aging, and Malignant Transformation Mediated by P53 in Mice Lacking the Brca1 Full-Length Isoform. Genes Dev 17 (2), 201-213 PMID: 12533509
  9. Turner, J. M.*, Aprelikova, O.*, Xu, X.* (*equal contribution), Wang, R., Kim, S., Chandramouli, G. V., Barrett, J. C., Burgoyne, P. S., and DENG Chuxia. (2004) BRCA1, Histone H2AX Phosphorylation, and Male Meiotic Sex Chromosome Inactivation. Curr Biol 14 (23), 2135-2142 PMID: 15589157
  10. Wang, R. H., Li, C., Xu, X., Zheng, Y., Xiao, C., Zerfas, P., Cooperman, S., Eckhaus, M., Rouault, T., Mishra, L., and DENG Chuxia. (2005) A Role of SMAD4 in Iron Metabolism through the Positive Regulation of Hepcidin Expression. Cell Metab 2 (6), 399-409 PMID: 16330325
  11. Xu, X., Kobayashi, S., Qiao, W., Li, C., Xiao, C., Radaeva, S., Stiles, B., Wang, R. H., Ohara, N., Yoshino, T., LeRoith, D., Torbenson, M. S., Gores, G. J., Wu, H., Gao, B., and DENG Chuxia. (2006) Induction of Intrahepatic Cholangiocellular Carcinoma by Liver-Specific Disruption of Smad4 and Pten in Mice. J Clin Invest 116 (7), 1843-1852 PMID: 16767220
  12. DENG Chuxia. (2006) BRCA1: Cell Cycle Checkpoint, Genetic Instability, DNA Damage Response and Cancer Evolution. Nucleic Acids Res 34 (5), 1416-1426 PMID: 16522651
  13. Xiao, C.#, Sharp, J. A.# (#equal contribution), Kawahara, M., Davalos, A. R., Difilippantonio, M. J., Hu, Y., Li, W., Cao, L., Buetow, K., Ried, T., Chadwick, B. P., DENG Chuxia.* (*Corresponding authors), and Panning, B.* (*Corresponding authors) (2007) The XIST Noncoding RNA Functions Independently of BRCA1 in X Inactivation. Cell 128 (5), 977-989 PMID: 17350580
  14. Shukla, V., Coumoul, X., Wang, R. H., Kim, H. S., and DENG Chuxia. (2007) RNA Interference and Inhibition of MEK-ERK Signaling Prevent Abnormal Skeletal Phenotypes in a Mouse Model of Craniosynostosis. Nat Genet 39 (9), 1145-1150 PMID: 17694057
  15. Wang, R. H., Sengupta, K., Li, C., Kim, H. S., Cao, L., Xiao, C., Kim, S., Xu, X., Zheng, Y., Chilton, B., Jia, R., Zheng, Z. M., Appella, E., Wang, X. W., Ried, T., and DENG Chuxia. (2008) Impaired DNA Damage Response, Genome Instability, and Tumorigenesis in SIRT1 Mutant Mice. Cancer Cell 14 (4), 312-323 PMID: 18835033
  16. Wang, R. H., Zheng, Y., Kim, H. S., Xu, X., Cao, L., Luhasen, T., Lee, M. H., Xiao, C., Vassilopoulos, A., Chen, W., Gardner, K., Man, Y. G., Hung, M. C., Finkel, T., and DENG Chuxia. (2008) Interplay among BRCA1, SIRT1, and Survivin during BRCA1-Associated Tumorigenesis. Mol Cell 32 (1), 11-20 PMID: 18851829
  17. Finkel, T., DENG Chuxia.*(*Corresponding authors), and Mostoslavsky, R. (2009) Recent Progress in the Biology and Physiology of Sirtuins. Nature 460 (7255), 587-591 PMID: 19641587
  18. Cao, L., Xu, X., Bunting, S. F., Liu, J., Wang, R. H., Cao, L. L., Wu, J. J., Peng, T. N., Chen, J., Nussenzweig, A., DENG Chuxia*(*Corresponding authors), and Finkel, T.* (*Corresponding authors) (2009) A Selective Requirement for 53BP1 in the Biological Response to Genomic Instability Induced by Brca1 Deficiency. Mol Cell 35 (4), 534-541 PMID: 19716796
  19. Kim, H. S.#, Patel, K.# (#equal contribution), Muldoon-Jacobs, K., Bisht, K. S., Aykin-Burns, N., Pennington, J. D., van der Meer, R., Nguyen, P., Savage, J., Owens, K. M., Vassilopoulos, A., Ozden, O., Park, S. H., Singh, K. K., Abdulkadir, S. A., Spitz, D. R., DENG Chuxia*(*Corresponding authors), and Gius, D. *(*Corresponding authors) (2010) SIRT3 is a Mitochondria-Localized Tumor Suppressor Required for Maintenance of Mitochondrial Integrity and Metabolism during Stress. Cancer Cell 17 (1), 41-52 PMID: 20129246
  20. Kim, H. S., Xiao, C., Wang, R. H., Lahusen, T., Xu, X., Vassilopoulos, A., Vazquez-Ortiz, G., Jeong, W. I., Park, O., Ki, S. H., Gao, B., and DENG Chuxia. (2010) Hepatic-Specific Disruption of SIRT6 in Mice Results in Fatty Liver Formation Due to Enhanced Glycolysis and Triglyceride Synthesis. Cell Metab 12 (3), 224-236 PMID: 20816089
  21. Kim, H. S., Vassilopoulos, A., Wang, R. H., Lahusen, T., Xiao, Z., Xu, X., Li, C., Veenstra, T. D., Li, B., Yu, H., Ji, J., Wang, X. W., Park, S. H., Cha, Y. I., Gius, D., and DENG Chuxia. (2011) SIRT2 Maintains Genome Integrity and Suppresses Tumorigenesis through Regulating APC/C Activity. Cancer Cell 20 (4), 487-499 PMID: 22014574
  22. Jeong, S. M.* (equal contribution), Xiao, C. * (equal contribution), Finley, L. W., Lahusen, T., Souza, A. L., Pierce, K., Li, Y. H., Wang, X., Laurent, G., German, N. J., Xu, X., Li, C., Wang, R. H., Lee, J., Csibi, A., Cerione, R., Blenis, J., Clish, C. B., Kimmelman, A., DENG Chuxia*(*Corresponding authors), and Haigis, M. C. *(*Corresponding authors) (2013) SIRT4 Has Tumor-Suppressive Activity and Regulates the Cellular Metabolic Response to DNA Damage by Inhibiting Mitochondrial Glutamine Metabolism. Cancer Cell 23 (4), 450-463 PMID: 23562301
  23. Willis, N. A., Chandramouly, G., Huang, B., Kwok, A., Follonier, C., DENG Chuxia, and Scully, R. (2014) BRCA1 Controls Homologous Recombination at Tus/Ter-Stalled Mammalian Replication Forks. Nature 510 (7506), 556-559 PMID: 24776801
  24. Masri, S., Rigor, P., Cervantes, M., Ceglia, N., Sebastian, C., Xiao, C., Roqueta-Rivera, M., DENG Chuxia, Osborne, T. F., Mostoslavsky, R., Baldi, P., and Sassone-Corsi, P. (2014) Partitioning Circadian Transcription by SIRT6 Leads to Segregated Control of Cellular Metabolism. Cell 158 (3), 659-672 PMID: 25083875
  25. Chen, Q., Hao, W., Xiao, C., Wang, R., Xu, X., Lu, H., Chen, W., and DENG Chuxia. (2017) SIRT6 Is Essential for Adipocyte Differentiation by Regulating Mitotic Clonal Expansion. Cell Rep 18 (13), 3155-3166 PMID: 28355567
  26. Xu, X., Chen, E., Mo, L., Zhang, L., Shao, F., Miao, K., Liu, J., Su, S. M., Valecha, M., Chan, U. I., Zheng, H., Chen, M., Chen, W., Chen, Q., Fu, H., Aladjem, M. I., He, Y., and DENG Chuxia. (2019) BRCA1 Represses DNA Replication Initiation through Antagonizing Estrogen Signaling and Maintains Genome Stability in Parallel with WEE1-MCM2 Signaling during Pregnancy. Hum Mol Genet 28 (5), 842-857 PMID: 30445628
  27. Chen, Q., Lei, J. H., Bao, J., Wang, H., Hao, W., Li, L., Peng, C., Masuda, T., Miao, K., Xu, J., Xu, X., and DENG Chuxia. *(*Corresponding authors) (2020) BRCA1 Deficiency Impairs Mitophagy and Promotes Inflammasome Activation and Mammary Tumor Metastasis. Adv Sci (Weinh) 7 (6), 1903616 PMID: 32195105
  28. Miao, K., Lei, J. H., Valecha, M. V., Zhang, A., Xu, J., Wang, L., Lyu, X., Chen, S., Miao, Z., Zhang, X., Su, S. M., Shao, F., Rajendran, B. K., Bao, J., Zeng, J., Sun, H., Chen, P., Tan, K., Chen, Q., Wong, K. H., Xu, X., and DENG Chuxia. (2020) NOTCH1 Activation Compensates BRCA1 Deficiency and Promotes Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Formation. Nat Commun 11 (1), 3256 PMID: 32591500
  29. Liu, J., Adhav, R., Miao, K., Su, S. M., Mo, L., Chan, U. I., Zhang, X., Xu, J., Li, J., Shu, X., Zeng, J., Zhang, X., Lyu, X., Pardeshi, L., Tan, K., Sun, H., Wong, K. H., DENG Chuxia*, and Xu, X. *(*Corresponding authors) (2020) Characterization of BRCA1-Deficient Premalignant Tissues and Cancers Identifies Plekha5 as a Tumor Metastasis Suppressor. Nat Commun 11 (1), 4875 PMID: 32978388
  30. Shao, F. Y., Lyu, X. Y., Miao, K., Xie, L. S., Wang, H. T., Xiao, H., Li, J., Chen, Q., Ding, R. B., Chen, P., Xing, F. Q., Zhang, X., Luo, G. H., Zhu, W., Cheng, G., Lon, N. W., Martin, S. E., Wang, G. Y., Chen, G. K., Dai, Y. L., and DENG Chuxia. (2020) Enhanced Protein Damage Clearance Induces Broad Drug Resistance in Multitype of Cancers Revealed by an Evolution Drug‐Resistant Model and Genome‐Wide siRNA Screening. Adv Sci, 2001914
Full publications list
01/2021 – 12/2025 Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): 82030094
Identify cancer driver mutations in triple-negative breast cancer for development of effective therapies
01/2020 – 01/2022 FDCT-0034/2019/AGJ
Precision medicine research for refractory breast cancer based on circulating tumor cells derived organoids
01/2020 – 01/2022 FDCT-0112/2019/A2
Functional study of Cul3 as a liver tumor suppressor and drug sensitivity regulator
2020 – 2022 FDCT-0011/2019/AKP
Biobanking and precision oncology of several high-risk tumors in Macao and surrounding areas
09/2019 – 09/2022 FDCT-0048/2019/A1
Characterization and therapeutic study of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) subtypes induced by BRCA1-FGFR2 and related signaling”
2017 – 2020 Macao Government Grant MYRG2017-00113-FHS DENG (PI)
Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2 (FGFR2) and Its Cooperating Factors in Mammary Tumor Initiation and Progression
2016 – 2019 Macao Government Grant 094A3 DENG (PI)
Using precise medicine approaches to identify cancer drivers for personalized cancer therapy
2016 – 2019 Macao Government Grant 065A2 DENG (PI)
Single cell research for BRCA1-related breast stem cells and breast cancer stem cells
2016 – 2019 Macao Government Grant MYRG2016-00139-FHS DENG (PI)
Use Sleeping Beauty system mediated insertion mutagenesis in BRCA1 breast tissue specific gene knockout mice to identify cancer-promoting network
2016 – 2019 Macao Government Grant MYRG2016-00132-FHS DENG (PI)
Identification of TGF-β signaling pathway mediated signaling for the inhibition of cancer metastasis
2015 – Present Chair Professor DENG (PI) Since 2015
University of Macau Multiple Year Grant (MYRG2019-00067-FHS)
Identification of tumor suppressors for cholangiocarcinoma in liver-specific Smad4/Pten knockout mice using Crispr-Cas9 system
University of Macau Grant (MYRG2020-00076-FHS)
Study of immune microenvironment associated with cholangiocarcinoma development and PD-1/PD-L1 blockade response regulated by SMAD4/Pten/Cul3 signaling
Patent: AU5028500, Publication date: 2001-12-03
Inventors: Anita B Robert, GS. Ashcorft, A Russo, James B. Mitchell, and Chuxia DENG
Title: Inhibition of smad3 to prevent fibrosis and improve wound healing
2013 NIDDK “You Make A Difference” award
2012 Elected as an AAAS Fellow (The American Association for the Advancement of Sciences)
2011 NIDDK Director’s Award (2011):
10 people including myself in my lab received this Award on 9/9/2011.
“In recognition of extraordinary research in understanding mechanisms of BRAC1 and its transcriptional downstream genes in cancer, cell cycle, genetic stability, aging and metabolism”.
2005 NIDDK “You Make A Difference” Award
2005 NIDDK “Serving Federal Government for Ten Years” Award
2002 Outstanding Oversea Scholar from National Science Foundation (China)
2002 Concept grant award from Department of Defense
2000 NIH-Asian & Pacific Islander American Organization (APAO) Outstanding Achievement Award
2000 Speak at “NIH Director’s Seminar:
“The Tumor Suppressor Brca1 in Genetic Stability and Tumorigenesis. February 25, 2000”.
2011 – Present Visiting Professor, University of Western Australia, Australin
2009 – Present Visiting Professor, Nanchong Medical College, China
2008 – Present Visiting Professor, Cancer Hospital, Beijing University, China
2007 – Present Visiting Professor, Luzhou Medical College, China
2005 – Present Visiting Professor, Wuhan University, China
2000 Visiting Professor, Kyushu University, Japan
1999 – Present Guest Investigator, Institute of Biotechnology, Beijing
1992 – 1995 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Postdoctoral fellowship
1986 – 1992 Teaching assistant fellowship, University of Utah
1986 The second award from “The Genetics Association of Hubei Province” in 1986
Seventeen postdoctoral fellows in my laboratory received NIH-wide “Fellows Award for Research Excellence” (FARE) 23 times
Professional Activities
Scientific Leadership and Editorial Experience
Founding Editor-in-Chief of “International Journal of Biological Sciences” since 2006
(http://www.biolsci.org), IF (2013): 4.372
-Organizing reviewing, extensive interaction with authors/reviewers/editors, and making decisions regarding all the manuscripts received for publication in the journal.
President (2008) for Baltimore-Washington DC Chapter, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA)
-Direct over 150 scientists to facilitate networking, discuss their research interesting, and organize annual scientific retreat.
President-elect (for 2016-2017) for SCBA.
NIH Equal Opportunity and Employment Committee (2008-2011)
NIH Central Tenure Committee (2013-2014)
ORWH-FAES-NIH High School Summer Student Program (2013-2014)
Community Services

  • Editorial Board of “Developmental Dynamics” since 2003
  • Editorial Board of “Cancer Biology & Therapy” since 2002
  • Editorial Board of “Cancer Epidemiology” from 2009-2014
  • Editorial Board of “Chinese Journal of Biotechnology” since 2007
  • Editorial Board of  “Cell & Bioscience” since 2012
  • Editorial Board of  “Journal of Genomics” since 2011