
The Student Association of FHS (FHSSA) serves both as a guiding force for students’ holistic development, and an organisation dedicated to their welfare. It functions as a bridge between students and the Faculty, fostering a strong connection between them. FHSSA regularly organises various activities to enhance communication and interaction amongst students, nurturing a vibrant and conducive learning environment. Additionally, they are key representatives of FHS students, liaising and communicating with the Faculty over various topics and issues.

— Kevin Kaiwen LUO, President

Kevin believes that the most important role of FHSSA is to provide exceptional service to students, bridging the gap between the Faculty and its students, and enriching their university experience. Squeezing his own free time, Kevin dedicates himself wholeheartedly towards his role in FHSSA. He remarked, “Although the workload of FHSSA can be heavy at times, the duty to serve my fellows keeps me going during hardships. Having chosen to join FHSSA, I must embrace my responsibility to serve the others, whilst also growing as an individual.”

— Zhe ZHANG, Public Relations Department

Zhe ZHANG, a member of the Public Relations Department, initially joined FHSSA to broaden her social circle. She is responsible for communicating with stakeholders both within and outside UM, promoting and advertising FHSSA events. This experience has taught her how to collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds and professional capacities, consolidating various needs and opinions, and effectively plan and execute events.

— Zihe ZHOU, Secretariat

As a member of the Secretariat, Zihe ZHOU oversees preparatory work for events, including material procurement and itinerary confirmation, whilst also summarising meeting minutes and defining activity content. She finds FHSSA’s work to be highly rewarding, having learned skills such as questionnaire design, creative writing, and handling of unexpected situations during events. She deeply believes that joining FHSSA is an opportunity to enhance her personal abilities whilst enriching her and her peers’ campus life through her contributions.

— Zihao SU, Event Planning Department

For Zihao SU, who is responsible for event planning, joining FHSSA is not just about participating in club activities and enriching his campus life. He also hopes to use this opportunity to voice up for his peers. He has organised various events for FHSSA, including orientation camps, quiz competitions, and first aid workshops in which he took charge of conceiving event themes, planning the activity flow, and designing promotional material. He noted, “Being part of FHSSA has improved my event planning skill and communication ability when coordinating with different parties. It has also encouraged me to express my opinions more confidently.” He considers the work of FHSSA a responsibility, carrying the trust of classmates, teachers, and the Faculty, and strives to strengthen himself to better serve everyone.

— Songhan YANG, Finance Department

Songhan YANG is responsible for managing the budget allocations for various FHSSA activities and preparing related financial statements. She said, “Joining the Finance Department of FHSSA has enabled me to acquire extensive financial knowledge, such as reporting of financial records and gathering relevant statistics; broadening my horizons and cultivating knowledge in diverse fields beyond my undergraduate studies.”

— Ning WEI, Marketing Department

Ning WEI, a freshman this year, joined the Marketing Department of FHSSA with aspirations for working in associations, hoping to hone her communication skills and other soft skills through her work with FHSSA. Since joining the department, she has been responsible for promoting various events, including creating posters and banners, writing promotional articles and press releases, and collaborating with other units on promotional efforts. She points out that promotional work is a continuous process of review, rejection, revision, finalisation, and optimisation, providing excellent training for her interpersonal relationships, self discipline, and communication skills.

FHSSA serves as a crucial organisation within FHS, representing the interests of students, serving their needs, and connecting the Faculty and its students. The members of FHSSA strive to establish a reliable and accessible ally that students and the Faculty can rely on when needed, ensuring that it remains a notable, accessible, and dependable entity for both parties.

President and Vice Presidents

Public Relations Department

Marketing Department

Finance Department


Event Planning Department