
Over 160 researchers participated in the “7th Symposium on Biomedical Sciences for Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Assistants 2023” on 13 April. FHS alumni Dapeng HAO, Professor of Harbin Medical University, shared the new perspective on cancer study driven by multi-omics data as being the keynote speaker of the symposium. There were 12 talks and over 80 research posters in the areas of Cancer and Stem Cell, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Bioimaging, Development, Aging and Neuroscience, Drug Discovery and Biotechnology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, and Public Health.

Prof. Chuxia DENG, Dean of FHS encouraged the participants to be creative and persistent in pursuing their science interests. He also emphasized that researchers should be dare to challenge and break through the difficulties and obstacles by working harder and harder. He hoped all the researchers can take this precious chance and platform to increase their research output and practice the research presentation skills, and consequently to grow and benefit from the symposium.

In the closing speech, Prof. Renhe XU, Associate Dean (research) of FHS highlighted the success of the symposium and congratulated the 11 winners of the speeches and nine winners of the posters. He also recognized the organization committee and the helpers for their great effort, and said that the symposium strengthened the participants’ competitiveness by presenting the research talks and posters.

Over 160 researchers participate in the Symposium

Prof. Chuxia DNEG

Poster session