Prof. Xuanjun ZHANG assumed office as Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) of Faculty of Health Sciences. He expressed his hope to acclimatize himself with the new post as soon as possible, motivate students in their studies, and foster their interaction with the faculty members.
“Due to the pandemics, many students were unable to return to the campus in the past 6 months. It is challenging to fully understand the situation of each student and effectively inspire them in their studies through boosting their connections with us,” said Prof. Zhang. “I will work closely with residential colleges, Student Affairs Office, and the student union to communicate with students and help them in every aspect.” Prof. Zhang also noticed that the freshmen were very eager to conduct scientific research but were puzzled in setting their objectives. Thus, Prof. Zhang concerned to guide the students in finding their research interests and keeping their enthusiasm throughout their whole student lives. Prof. Zhang also promised to strive to work out with all the faculty members to nurture the students to be not only excellent in classroom learning but also outstanding in resolving scientific problems and teamwork.
Prof. Zhang received his PhD in Chemistry from University of Science & Technology of China. After working as a postdoctoral fellow and visiting scientist in Mainland, Singapore, Sweden, and USA, he worked as an assistant professor at Linköping University (Sweden) in 2011 and promoted to Docent in 2014. He had finished three-level pedagogy for higher education from Faculty of Education at Linköping University. He joined FHS as an assistant professor in 2015. Prof. Zhang was the awardee of the Incentive Award Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff of UM in 2017, and FHS’s Best Teacher Award (excellence in teaching) in 2019.
Prof. Zhang has broad research interests in synthetic chemistry ranging from small molecules, oligomers, semiconducting polymers, coordination polymers, to nanomaterials with main applications in biomedical imaging and nanomedicine. He has published more than 120 SCI papers in international renowned journals, including Advanced Materials (IF 26.44), ACS Nano (IF 15.21), Coordination Chemistry Reviews (IF 14.61), Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF 14.55), Angewandte Chemie (IF 12.66), Chemical Science (IF 8.95), etc. He is currently a regular reviewer of more than 50 SCI journals. Since he joined UM, he has been the principal investigator of three research projects funded by the Science and Technology Development Fund, Macao SAR (FDCT), one joint grant supported by FDCT and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, and three UM’s multi-year research grants.

Prof. Xuanjun ZHANG