
FHS recently held its first distinguished Alumni Sharing, attracting enthusiastic participation from Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students alike. This event aims to provide current students with the opportunity to communicate face-to-face with the outstanding alumni, and allow them to expand their horizons and better prepare for future career planning by tapping into the experiences of the alumni and building engagement with each other.

At the start of the event, FHS Assistant Dean (Student Affarirs) Xuanjun ZHANG introduced our two outstanding alumni, Dr. Weng Ian CHE and Dr. Chen Yin WANG, and shared students with different educational system and learning cultures of different countries, whilst encouraging the students to participate in more activities; to listen more, to communicate more, to try more in order to forge a path that suits them.

Dr. Weng Ian CHE is currently a UM Macao Fellow in FHS. She shared her study and module selection process with the students. Dr. Chenyin WANG is currently a scientific officer of the University Research Facility in Life Sciences of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She mainly shared her experiences in pursuing a PhD and the career development. Both alumni emphasised the importance of professional ability being the basis of everything else, including solid essential knowledge and practical ability. In addition, they also encouraged current students to actively participate in research projects, internships, and real-world practice in order to improve the whole-person development.

During the interactive session, students presented various questions to our alumni, including: how to prepare for the graduate admission exams, how to choose a research direction that suits them, how to strike a balance between school work and social life, how to stand out in the workplace, etc. Both alumni patiently answered relevant questions one by one and gave valuable suggestions based on their own experiences.

This event not only provided students with practical information on further studies and employment, but also promoted communication and learning among students in different stages of learning, allowing them to have a clearer picture when selecting their future career paths.

A group photo

Distinguished Alumni Sharing

Weng Ian CHE gave valuable suggestions to the students

Chenyin WANG shared the experiences with students